Episode -1: Specter in the Wind

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Episode one: A specterin the wind

Is it a ghost or is it shadow, not even the birds can tell the difference as they pass bye him, the very essence of the cold air as his presence suggest. as silent as the forest that awaits a quickly approaching storm. Heavy is the word that describes not only the air that looms around his head, but the very intent of shape and form that seem as though stricken with the weight of the world, as it is sculpted in the likeness of both gods and men. Though one would instantly take back that statement as the thin branch he rests the entire concentration of weight one, only barely bends as he steadily stand at the apex of its bow. Just inside the blurry camouflaging shadows of the pines that so viscously consume his outline. breaking apart even the winds intervention of finding out the entirety of his presence.

his breathing is steady much like the branch he stands on, though to compare the two is an exaggeration, and an insult to his very nature. one that even the weather become angered at as his branch moves with what only would be perceived as an illusion of its steadiness, revealed bye the howling of the wind. Holding to him as if he where the one to keep it; secured to the tree.

he keeps his eyes on the distance, staring it down as if to get it to reveal a dark secret. one that the horizon knows he has knowledge of, as it gives it to him with no hesitation; or hint to resist his gaze that seem intent on prying the very secrets of light from the absolution of darkness. while giving away non of his own.

his breath does not even faultier as the cold does not dare to foolishly hint at his intentions, as moisture refuses to condense from his lips. Hidden even to the scribe of time, so feverishly trying to find it.

at his chest are two shinny metallic limbs folded together like the fluidity of infinity. as if to have no end or no beginning, their glossed metallic surface of do not give the rest of him shape or form. much like the bottom halves of his legs. Absent of any reflection, as if to show their infect of anything that surrounds them. not even the body they are so seamlessly bound to. Both sets of his limbs though fused to his body are offset only bye the grotesquely veined metallic muscles, that hold them onto the patterned texture body that bares them. indented with a zag-ed line pattern, as if crafted from clay stacked in thin intricate layers.

though covered in spandex. his bodies indent resembling a hem line sown in pattern stack like lines, accents its outright soft nature, though the ridged ripple of immensely defined muscle suggest otherwise for what ever material lies underneath it. darkly colored in nature it eats away at the light around him , dulling even the green of the branches that that pierce the air with their pins, hoping to gain back some of the life that is so easily stolen from them. as they reach out like so many fingers to take back from the unnatural surface that seek to ride them of their healthy green glow.

It is in this field of light bending darkness that a crack begins to form, small at first a dim light pours through its expanding center until it reaches an expanse eight inches across. a zipper like pattern appears in its center as it expands horizontally. Curling at the ends like the crescent of a moon, if it had been shattered into a million pieces.

Once fully formed it opens, two eyes forming inside like the headlights of semi heading down a tunnel to small for its girth. then as the take form and color, the only thing that distinguishes them from the darkness that surrounds is the blue hue of oddly colored flesh that that holds them in place like snow would the curves of a snow man. Indefinite as too where the will last settle as the rest of it takes shape, moving with the fluidity of water unevenly mixed with sediment, meant to move without form.

they pull themselves out of the center of the crack like smile, like a rabbit from the hat of a magician, but only if the hat and the rabbit had some how become one on the same, and the magician to perform this illusion where standing inside the hat. its In this fashion that it forms from its own enigma. filling out from its own center of infolded infinity. As it viscously takes shape like a flattened balloon being filled with water that condenses in the cold air.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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