| Chapter 2 |

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Richie was wrong. He actually managed to cry himself to sleep which surprised even him. Not that it was a long sleep or even an ounce pleasant. He basically relived the events of the cave, and part of him was aware it was a dream; silently praying that he would wake up.

His prayers were answered with a knock on the door. He jolted awake, shaking the automatic fear that rose from within him. Pennywise is dead he reminded himself.

"Come in." His voice was low and rough. A nurse that he hadn't seen before peered around the door frame and scanned his rigid body. "Just came to check in on you Mr. Tozier, do you need anything?" The voice was a man this time, tall with large hands that gripped the door as he eyed Richie up and down with concerned eyes.

"Eddie." He said dryly. "Where is Eddie?"

"Your friend is still in stable condition. He probably still won't be moved for a few more hours, his surgery was pretty intense and the doctors are just making extra sure that he will be comfortable when he wakes up."

When he wakes up. Richie smiled for the first time in a while. "Okay, thanks. Please let me know if anything happens." The man nodded, smiling back. "Of course, we've been told to report back to you right away with any updates. Ana threatened our entire shift."

"She's a cutie." Richie laughed, rubbing his face over. "Let her know I'm thinking about her." He laughed at the man's eye roll. "Don't get too jealous! If it makes you feel better, you're pretty cute too I guess." He added with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"She did say you were a comedian." The man laughed. "If you need anything, just holler. Name's Alex." They both exchanged a handshake, but before he could leave, Richie stopped him nervously. "Hey Alex? Can I actually just get some water?" His voice was dry and was beginning to hurt from the past day of screaming and crying, not that he needed to explain that to the man nodding in front of him.

"Sure thing, I'll have some sent back here." Richie thanked him and was left to himself again. He sighed, pulling out his phone and opening messages.

Richie: Eds is still stable but he won't be moved for a few more hours.

Almost immediately, texts from the others started flowing in. It meant that no one else was able to sleep much either, which sucked, but it made him feel better to know that he wasn't alone.

Bevvy: Great news! We will all be there for when he's transferred

Benjamin: Awesome, knew he'd be okay

Mikey: That's our Eddie!

Big Bill: So good to hear. How are you holding up Rich?

Richie stared at his phone for a while, happy to be able to share updates with his friends. But he was also more upset about being in the hospital alone than he would've thought. So for one of the few times in his life, he was honest with himself.

Richie: As good as I can be Big Bill. If I'm being honest it's getting kind of lonely, but the nurses are very nice

Bevvy: Make sure you are eating and resting, I swear to God I will force feed you Tozier don't make me!

Richie: Kinky Bev, tell me more >:)

Benjamin: Beep Beep Rich

Richie: Oh cmon you didn't even let me get far enough!

Mikey: We've learned not to let you get that far.

Bevvy: Seriously Richard, make sure you are taking care of yourself

Big Bill: Uh oh, you just got Richard-ed

Richie: I'd prefer to be called Dick, but she's probably occupied with Benny's at the moment

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