Chapter Thirty Two

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I go back to the room and it is about midday here in Dubai and I feel pretty proud of myself for making new friends.

Tomorrow Ashley wants to go out to the beach with everyone and have a barbecue and stuff, I agreed with the idea and said that I would speak to Marcus about it.

I open my door to see Marcus asleep and Jesse on his phone. Jesse looks up at me and smiles. "Hiya, Ky. Your lazy ass boyfriend has fallen asleep and is boring me now so can you amuse me."

Okay, I just got the wrong vibes from what he just said then. "Err... do you want to play FIFA?" I questions a little awkwardly.

"Yeah might as well, Marcus just beat my ass at all of the games we played, I guess I need to win at least one. You seem like an easy target Kane, so I am pretty sure that I am gonna win the next games we play."

I don't say anything to him, just simply roll my eyes at his childish comment. I set up the console and go on FIFA. "Right, Lingard, who are you being?"

"Manu, who else?" He goes on to the United team whereas I go on to Tottenham.

"Ready, Lingard?"

"Errr... duh, Kane. The real question is are you ready?"

"As ready as I will ever be." I smirk at the screen determined to win this game.

The game begins, a game that will be so intense between myself and Jesse Lingard.

In the first half of the game no one scores, there was a lot of good shots however were blocked by the defence or saved by the keeper.

In the second half, on the other hand, Jesse becomes very cocky and tries to skill me up quite a bit but I steal the ball of of him and manage to score three goals really quickly. "Oh my days Ky, how the fuck did you get the third goal you lucky bastard." Jesse whines.

"Maybe you should stop being such a cocky ass and maybe, just maybe, you might be able to get a goal in. But there is a very small chance of that happening considering there is on five fifa minutes left of this game."

"Oh rub it in more why don't you." Jesse snaps like a little girl, clearly annoyed that he isn't winning.

The game ends and I get up and run around the room in slow motion with my hands in the air in celebration and victory. "And Kylie Kane wins the game, despite the fact that Jesse Lingard seemed pretty confident before the match. But in the second Kane really blew us away with three goals and an exceptional win in Tottenham Hotspur." I mimick a commentator.

"Are you done?" Jesse asks clearly bored at my antics.

"Yeah now I am." I sit back down on the bed again and look at Marcus past Jesse. "How is he still asleep? We have been practically shouting and from what I know he is a pretty light sleeper."

"I guess, from my experience though he is always asleep when he gets the chance." Jesse just shrugs.

My phone goes off. I open it to see that I have been added to a new group chat.

Dubai Buddies

Ashley Young
Hiya people decided to make a GC with everyone on it, so that if anyone has thought of anything we can do together then they can just send a message on here instead of trying to tell everyone through others.

I text back.

Oki good idea Ash xx

Oi Kylie watch the kisses you have a boyfriend

Jesse you're literally right next to me why didn't you say that to me in person you unsociable pratt

Woah Kylie Kane language besides why didn't you say that to my face after all you are right next to me you annoying person

At least I can win on FIFA😎

Chris Smalling
Ohhh Jesse mate she got you there😂

I put my phone away and laugh. "Shut up Kylie." Jesse smacks my arm.

"Aww Jesse, are you annoyed that I have showed you up in front of you friends." I mock pulling a stupid face.

Jesse just huffs and turns away at my antics. "You're such a child, Ky." He shoves my arm playfully.

"I could say the same thing to you J-Lingz." I giggle.

"What you trying to say? Huh?'' Jesse pretends to get really annoyed and puffs out his chest trying to be threatening.

"That I think that you are such a child and that you need to grow up." I get up in his face attempting to keep a straight​ but threatening face, but fail miserably as I burst out in laughter.

"Oh Ky, I don't think that I will ever be able to take you seriously in these sort of situations." He too bursts out laughing but I guess that me and Jesse make a little much noise as Marcus sits up next to him with a confused expression cast upon his face.

"What's going on?" Marcus grumbles rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing, babe, Jesse is just being a prick." I chuckle.

He nods understandingly and opens his arms to me. I get up off the bed and walk round to his side before collapsing into his arms.

"Ewww, you guys have cooties." Jesse turns away from us in disgust.

"And you will be single forever." Marcus fires back chuckling a little.

Jesse fake cries and folds his arms across his chest attempting to act like a five year old that didn't get the ice cream he wanted from the shop.

We all just end up in a laughing fit again.

For the rest of the day we played FIFA, Call Of Duty and NBA. We ordered food towards the end of the day and Jesse went back to his room around nine at night.

I am actually pretty surprised that I haven't fallen asleep yet considering the fact that I was really tired this morning when I got here, but I suppose that the events of the day have woken me up a bit.

Marcus turns the PS4 off and puts my, Jesse's and his controller on his bedside table next to him. I get off the bed and grab some clothes from my draw and get changed, facing away from Marcus. I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I turn around to Marcus is staring at me with lust.

"Marcus you can stop staring now." I blush red.

His eyes meet mine. "How can I when you have an ass like yours baby?" He flirts.

"You really going there."

"Yes, yes I am."

Without another word I get pulled onto the bed and Marcus connects his lips with mine intensively.

Hiya guys,

Another chapter YAY!!!

WARNING: The next chapter is gonna get a little heated you may want to skip chapter

Thank you so much for reading,

Daisy xx

Key To My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora