Chapter Twenty Seven

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I wake up at about five in the morning panicking that we were late for the flight, until I realise that it doesn't leave until seven tonight.

Marcus shuffles from next to me. Oops I must have woken him up when I woke up panicking about the flight. "Ky?"

"I'm fine, honest. I just panicked that we were late for the flight that's all. Just go back to sleep babe." I whisper back running my hands through his hair.

A low growl just comes from the back of Marcus' throat and I giggle. Marcus' eyes open and look at my amused face. "Are you laughing at me Kylie Kane?"

"No of course not Marcus Rashford, why would I be laughing at the noise you made a moment ago." I suppress a giggle and Marcus pulls me against him connecting our lips instantly. I hesitate before allowing myself to kiss back.

My body is covered in shivers and his hands roam me and mine run through his hair. I deepen the kiss and Marcus groans and pulls me on top of him to close the gap between us.

He squeezes my butt causing me to squeal against the kiss and Marcus chuckles at my reaction. He rolls over on top of me making sure that he doesn't break our lips apart.

Things begin to get a little heated and I decide that it's probably best if me and Marcus don't have sex now as it is around five in the morning.

So I sadly pull away from the kiss and stroke Marcus' rather pink bottom lip. "We shouldn't get carried away too much, Rashy. We have a flight tonight and we don't wanna be too tired." I whisper and Marcus seems to understand as he gives me a quick peck on the lips before rolling off of me.

"Okay I see your point, baby." Marcus whispers in my ear.

"Right I am awake now, so I am gonna have a shower whilst I am in the mood." I state giving up on even attempting to get some shut eye, cos I know that it ain't gonna happen.

I give Marcus a quick kiss on the cheek and get off of the bed to go and have a shower.

~ Time Lapse ~

Me and Marcus hand over our luggage and board onto the plane. He very kindly places my small rucksack on the overhead carrier for me and I take my seat next to the window. He takes his seat next to me.

We both do up our seatbelts and Marcus places a hand on my thigh. "How are ya feeling?" He questions his voice with a hint of concern.

"I am feeling fine, at the moment." I mumble the last part.

"It's okay, you'll be fine. I am here with you the whole time, yeah baby."

He kisses the side of my head and I nod giving him a small smile. "Oh yeah, we need to figure out where we are going before the holiday." I say, mainly to change the subject but also I am actually confused on what is gonna happen when we do get back to the UK.

"Errr... well you're coming to mine after Dubai so I have been wanting to ask you if I could come back to yours before Dubai, then that way we can learn about where each other grew up." Marcus suggests.

"That actually sounds like a good idea." I agree.

"I guess it does. I just need to pop back home when we get back to get some more stuff to take to Dubai and then I will come back to yours on Wednesday in England. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah sound perfect, Rashy." I place my hand on top of his.

After the horrible feeling of the plane taking off and me practically squeezing Marcus' hand to death the journey was fine. Me and Marcus ate sweets watched a couple of films that I had downloaded and I eventually fell asleep on Marcus' shoulder.

~ Time Lapse ~

"Kylie hurry up, I wanna go home and I've gotta drop you off yet." Harry calls from where his car is parked.

I send Harry a glare before turning to Marcus with sad eyes. It is Tuesday morning in England right now and I have to say goodbye to Marcus.

"Kylie, don't get too upset you will see me tomorrow night." Marcus pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I know but it is gonna feel like forever." I say into his shirt.

"Yes, but remember you are gonna spend the whole summer with me until Spurs go back to training." Marcus strokes my hair reassuring me that everything will be fine. Which I am sure it will.

"I am gonna miss you so much."

"I am gonna miss you too, but you need to go home for now and catch up with some of your friends."

"I guess."

Marcus lifts my head up and places a goodbye kiss upon my lips. I never want this feeling of him kissing me to go. "I will see you tomorrow night, yeah?"


"I love you so much, Kylie Kane."

"I love you too, Marcus Rashford." I place one more kiss upon his lips before a honk from a car interrupts us.

"Kylie, come on we really should go!" Harry yells.

"You should go now." Marcus chuckles.

"Yeah, goodbye until tomorrow Rashford." He gives me a bone crushing hug before I run off to get into Hazzer's car.

I shut the car door and do up my seatbelt. "Jesus what took you so long?" Haz moans as he starts the engine and begins to drive out of the car park slowly.

"Harry leave the poor girl alone, she was just saying goodbye to the lucky boy she loves." Kate defends.

"Thank you, Kate." I smile.

"Yeah, but it shoudn't have taken you that long, I mean you are seeing him tomorrow or something, are you not?"

"Harry, just get off of your sisters case. You are the same with me, not letting me go despite the fact that we would see each other in a day or even in an hour."

Harry doesn't have anything to say to that he just shrugs, so I guess the girls have won.

I pop my earphones in and begin to listen to music, the remainder of the journey back home is silent.

I cannot wait to catch up with my best friends.

Hey guys,

So I have decided that Sunday is gonna be my update day (apart from today, I just wanted to let you know that I will now be updating every Sunday), some Sundays you may get three updates sometimes you may only get one so don't be annoyed if you only get one, cos if I am honest I have a very busy week ahead of me.

I am now on half term and I have so much coursework to catch up on for school and stuff so I am gonna try and write at every spare chance that I have.

Thank you for reading,

Daisy xx

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