"No. That's not true and besides it's Elliot's son, he is the cutest thing on the earth. Norah?" She called and I mentally screamed at her for this bit what can I do?

"Yes, Emily!"

"Oliver wants to hold Nick, can you please let him?" Emily asked in sweet voice and Mrs. Robinson smile turned into devilish smirk, she is really enjoying it. She walked up to me and gave her son to me. This little live is no fault, well nobody at fault in this situation. He is cute,yes children are always cute. For my surprise a small smile made its way to my face just he looked in my eyes and started giggling.

"Why not. He is his uncle, the one and only uncle." She sung song the last making throw up inside my mouth. She just can't leave me for two second.

"Last time I checked I wasn't his uncle and never will be." I snapped at her Emily looked shocked for second. She opened her mouth to say something but just mouth 'behave'. After that I ignored both of them and focused on this little fluffy bear.

"What's his name?" I asked in no one in particular.

"Nicholas, Nick for short." Mrs. Robinson said with voice filled with love, I glanced up at her and she was already looking at me with something in her eyes which I couldn't make out.

"I like it. This name suits him."

"I knew it that you will like them."

"What? why?"

"Just a hunch. But after meeting you I had a feeling that in the future if he needs anyone or anything he can rely on you. I knew that aside form Eillot you will also be a father figure in his life."

I stared at her for good two second for any sign which says that she joking or making fun of me, like why would I be that a father figure in his life the mere thought of that making my heart ache.

"You don't believe me, do you?" I snort at that. How can I believe her "But please Oliver this is request keep him safe, protect him please."

Before I could ask anything her what hell she is talking about Mr. Robinson came to our side and put his arm around her. She leaned into his arm and I have to turn my head before they could feel my uneasiness.

"What were you talking about?" He asked in his sweet voice making heart beating faster. His presence has this strong affect on me, I know the longer he is staying here the stronger this affect will get. It's like my every nerve knows that he is here.

"Nothing in particular. Where have you been?" She asked him still hugging.

"I was talking to Andre and some others. They are all really nice here. Oh I see you met junior?" looked up to see if he is talking to me, yes he is talking to me.


"So you two chat, I'll go talk to everyone else." With that Mrs. Robinson excused herself leaving me with him

We sat there in silence, me holding Nick and Mr. Robinson looking at us. I wanted to break the silence but at the same time I didn't know what to say. This moment here with him and Nick feels so intimate, so natural. This could be us, this should be us.

"He likes you."


"Nick, he likes you. He is not really good with strangers but with you it feels as if..... th....this where he should be." I looked at him with wide eyes, why is his son should be with me? What wrong with him and Mrs. Robinson also was saying things like that.

"Why did you say that?"

"I don't know. It just came to my mind, sorry."

"No. It's okay."

"So all these people with you guys here? In this house?"


"So many in one house. Woah! How do you manage that?" This made me smile if only 40 to 50 people are too much for him what will happen if he realizes that there are actually more than that. Wait...he is here just for a couple of days, just a couple of days.

"Teamwork. You'll see."

"You don't talk much?"

"Ummm....no not really."

"What do you do? Like a job or something?" Job? This is really good question.

"I help Sir Andre with his bussiness." Which is true. With the pack and Alpha's bussiness of restaurants and bars I can say that I have a job.

"Sir? Do you seriously call him sir?"

"Yes. What's wrong with that?" I asked rising a eyebrow at him.

"Nothing is wrong. Norah told me that you call me Mr. Robinson so thought maybe that's how you greet everyone but outside you were talking about this boy....." It took him a moment to remember the name but I was surprised that he actually remembered " Drew yes. You can take his but not mine?"

Is he....is he jealous? No he isn't or he is. I mean I am his mate so it's natural to feel this way. No no no no no don't think like that, he is married.

"He is my friend and you are our guest."

"That's your reason?" He shook his head with a chuckle " Okay will you be my friend, Mr. Shorty?"

" I am not short. 5'11" is not short okay."

"Okayyyy. So will you be my friend?" He extended his hand I stared at his hand. There nothing wrong with being his friend so shake his hand.

"Fine we are friends now."

"Then say my name"

"Why are you so persistent about this?"

"Just say it's not that hard. Say Elliot."

I took deep breath and closed my eyes, this is tough. Why? I have no idea.

"E...El..Elliot. Elliot" I opened my eyes and look on his face was very pleased? I am not good with reading faces.

"See easy. right?" He grinned at me and my heart again started beating fast, my breathing starting to become heavy. I have to look away to control these overflowing emotions. These upcoming days are going to be really hard.

MY MARRIED MATEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن