Chapter 12: Trouble in the Wave rider

Start from the beginning

Ava: Jackson who is responsible for this mess

Jackson: I just tell you the truth about this

Sara: the truth about what

Jackson: well you had a mission while you are gone Zari and Nate is the behind all of this mess

Sara: Argh...these two always make trouble in the wave rider

Jackson: he told me that to keep lying to you Sara and Ava of course

Ava: did he to there just for you to get involved too

Jackson: yes I better go somewhere from here maybe I should see Kara what she up to

Sara: have fun

Jackson: thanks sis

He uses a Vibe to go to Earth-38 and visit Kara with a great plan to talking about her past and friend with me that didn't speak for so long.

Meanwhile, at Earth-38 Kara and Lena were having lunch together C.A.T.C.O balcony.

Jackson arrives at the DEO and saw just Winn, Alex, Brainy, Nia, and J'onn were doing something that he hasn't seen it before.

Jackson: Hello guys I miss to be back here at National City

Winn: dude welcome back

Alex: why are you here and not at the wave rider

Jackson: just say someone is getting in trouble with some kind of a mess in the wave rider kitchen

Brainy: you want to see Kara?

Jackson: yes, please

Nia: Kara is having a lunch date with Lena at C.A.T.C.O

Jackson: oh okay

J'onn: So Jackson how is your power handle

Jackson: I pretty sure I trained with Barry Allen and Cisco to control my Vibe and Speedster

Meanwhile at C.A.T.C.O Kara is enjoying their lunch date but Supergirl had a feeling that someone is back at the DEO and he is waiting for me to come back there to talk about something to him.

Lena: Kara what's wrong?

Kara: huh?

Lena: everything okay

Kara: yea it's fine

Lena: Is there something you hide from me that you didn't tell me what is on your mind right now

Kara: I had a feeling that my old friend is back here at National City

Lena: who it is?

Kara: you will see who it is

Lena: I love that

They finish their food and go straight to the DEO and saw Jackson was talking to Winn and Nia.

Kara: Jackson you are here at the National City

Jackson: I miss National City

Kara: yea I miss you too

Lena: Kara who is he?

Kara: right sorry he is my friend from krypton that I told you the previous

Lena: Oh right I get now

Jackson: hello there my name is Jackson Lance but you can call me Lance

Lena: wow what the gentleman you got there Kara

Kara: well what can I say he does

Lena: so Lance what are you doing here at National City

Jackson: my sister said that I can stay here for an awhile until she picks me up at her wave rider

Alex: why is she not right here with you

Jackson: she has to punish someone is lying to her about something bad

Winn: like what exactly

Jackson: like these let me show you what just happened inside the wave rider kitchen

He records the footage had happened inside the wave rider kitchen went I heard something very loud sound is going on.


Zari: Nate what did you do

Nate: I didn't do anything I just try to put some different food dye inside one of them but it failed

Zari: well we need to clean before Sara and Ava come back here from their mission

Nate: yea but we need one more help to clean but who

Zari: what about Wally?

Nate: Wally isn't here right now

Zari: what about Jackson?

Nate: Jackson??

Zari: yea he can help us clean these mess

Nate: yeah maybe your right we should call him

End of the Footage.

Alex: wow that mess is total that someone tries to involve you doing their mess for you

Jackson: yea they made me do keep secret

Kara: so are you okay

Jackson: yea I'm fine just one day I want to live here at National City but I still don't have a place to stay for the night

Lena: I can buy for your own apartment to stay for a year

Jackson: I love that

Lena: anytime when you arrive at National City just give me a call with this number

Lena gives her business card saying that L-Corp card and need someone to bring their mood into a happy life.

Jackson: thanks Lena

Lena: sure no problem

Sara Lance's connection to Jackson comms and say that she is ready to go back to the wave rider.

Sara: Jackson...are you there?

Jackson: yes sis I'm here what wrong

Sara: nothing is wrong but we are leaving soon

Jackson: alright

They ended their communication and Jackson walk straight to the balcony and wait for Sara to use a teleport gate to bring back Jackson on the wave rider.

Kara: are you leaving?

Jackson: yep bye Kara I will see you on went I have a chance to stay at National City together with you but also fighting crime with the rest of the DEO

Kara: I like that plan

Lena: bye Lance

Kara: bye Jackson

Jackson: bye Kara and Lena all of you as well I will miss you all so much

Later the Jackson is disappeared from the DEO balcony and returns back to the wave rider with his sister Sara Lance.

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