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Jungkook's Pov

Tik tok tik tok

The sound of the old grandfathers clock echoed in the room. The small cuckoo appeared signalling me the beginning of another day.

Day 2917

3 more days mark 8 years of my suffering. "Good morning, kookie cake." My brother, my one and only family smiled at me. I smiled under my breathing mask. "Can't talk again?" He asked his voice ever so gentle. I tapped my finger twice against the small board placed under my right palm.

I could see how he turned around, not letting me see his tears. I tapped the board until he turned to look at me. His face slightly wet from all the tears streaming down his face. I tapped the board once and he lifted my hand slightly. Bringing my hand to his face wiping the tears flowing down his cheeks as best as I could, I smiled lightly at him.

He placed my hand back down before going to get my food. I could only digest light soups and soft foods. He came back a while later and helped me to eat. Its was a chicken soup with the meat pieces made tender. I ate what I could before I stopped.

He left for the day after ruffling my hair and writing my vitals that were all necessary in a small book. Once he left I let the strong character down before I let my tears fall. It's so hard, so hard, pretending to be okay, seeing my brother cry, leaving my friends and definitely fighting all this pain. Can't I just give up?

"Googie, uncle googie." My niece yelled jumping into the bed next to me. I smiled softly at her. 'She looks like Junghyun hyung so much.' She started rambling on about her day as I kept on listening. Her mother is a year younger than Junghyun hyung being only 25, she had Ji-An when she was 21 and hyung was 22. They both had already been married for 11 months back then.

Admist Ji-An's rambling I started to feel tired as usual, my eyelids becoming heavy. "JiJi, dear, uncle kookie is tired, why don't we come back tomorrow?" I could see Ji-An pouting from the corner of my eyes. I tapped on the board and she looked at me. I smiled the most genuine smile I could muster before she hopped of the bed. "Bye- no see you soon uncle googie." She smiled her bunny smile at me before she held her mother, Min-Ah's hands. They both left the room leaving me to fall asleep.

Hyungie, I'm sorry.

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