A pleasant talk with Steven. (Y/N) goes for a walk.

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(A/N): Bit of a long chapter.


I walked through the forest, taking in the scenery, enjoying the sights and sounds without having a raving lunatic in my head scream for its total destruction. The colors seem brighter, the sounds crisper and clearer. Is this how everyone else experiences the world? No wonder the Crystal Gems wanted to preserve this world if this is what they are seeing. 

I wonder how many worlds, just like this, that I had a hand in conquering; and this is the first time I really can appreciate their beauty. I shake those thoughts off. I want to spend this time enjoying myself. There will be time for self loathing when the voice returns.

Steven: "(Y/N)? Hey, I thought you were at the barn?" 

I snap my head to the left, seeing Steven standing in the woods. He was probably enjoying the beauty of this world before he heard my footsteps through the forest. I might be fast, but I am rather large, and not exactly light on my feet. 

(Y/N): "I decided to go for a walk. Why, you need something?" I decided not to tell him about Peridot's little 'experiment'. She can talk about that on her own time. Steven shakes his head. Steven: "No. I was just surprised is all; but I am glad to see you enjoying nature... you are enjoying it right?" He sounded a bit desperate there. (Y/N): "Yes, I am. The voice has shut the hell up for a moment, so I'm taking the time to see the world." 

Steven: "Oh?! The voice is gone!?" I hate to burst his bubble but... (Y/N): "No. It's just quiet right now. It's still there." Steven looked disappointed. Steven: "Oh... Well, what makes it quiet?" (Y/N): "There are two ways to get the voice to shut up that basically almost always work, usually. 1. Listen to it without question." Steven looked nervous at that. Steven: "Let's... not do that." I nod. (Y/N): "The other is companionship." Steven looked surprised. Steven: "So wait, making friends helps to quiet the voice?' I nodded again. Steven: "Yes! I think you'll do just fine here on Earth."

(Y/N): "Speaking of Earth." I look up into the treetops. (Y/N): "To be honest... It's beautiful. It's a shame that this was Pink's first world. If it was her third or fourth, she could have declared this a 'garden world' and we'd've largely let it be."

Steven looked confused. Steven: "Garden world?" I nodded. (Y/N): "Some worlds have lifeforms, plant-life usually, but sometimes creatures as well, that the Diamonds find pleasing for one reason or another. These planets are declared 'garden worlds' and largely left to grow. Stations are set up so that noble gems, and the Diamond that owns the world of course, can walk around the planet and appreciate its beauty. Unfortunately, the Earth was Pink's first planet, so it had to become the central hub world for, what would have been, her sector of the Empire. She tried to get it declared as a garden world, but the request was denied." 

Steven looked deep in thought. Steven: "Yeah... But, if that had happened, gems wouldn't be free right now. It's a shame but-" (Y/N): "Yeah, that is the worst part of this." Steven glared at me for a second. Steven: "You want to explain how gems being able to decide for themselves is a bad thing?" Sigh. I knew I couldn't avoid this forever, I was just hoping it wouldn't happen while I was trying to relax. 

(Y/N): "Because, Steven, I know gems. Some of us... are monsters. Tell me, what's your plan if a gem, let's say... a Lapis Lazuli decided to keep on invading and terraforming planets because that's what they like?" Steven looked... taken aback. As if the idea that someone could enjoy destruction and mayhem for its own sake never occurred to him. Steven: "Well... That's never gonna happen." I smirk. I know plenty of Lazuli's that would never stop terraforming planets if they didn't have to send reports of their work. (Y/N): "Bet. If you're wrong, you owe me a building." Steven: "You mean a house? Alright, bet you the next two Lapis Lazuli's I meet will be more than willing to stop terraforming worlds, and if I win, you have to promise you won't knowingly kill any more beings." We shook on that. I'm gonna enjoy my new, what'd he call it, 'house' when I win the bet.

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