A plan without flaw, nor possibility of error! Iolite throws a fight.

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(Y/N) Pov

Steven: "Are you sure this is gonna work?" I was retying Steven up to complete the illusion that I was still hostile to the Crystal Gems. I had separated the gems that Steven had identified as the best fighters among them from the rest of the bubbles. The Amethyst, a Pearl, a Ruby, a Sapphire, that Bismuth I punched, a Peridot, and a Lapis Lazuli. I asked him if he was sure, but he was... This was going to be harder than I thought. (Y/N): "Steven, trust me. We'll have a back and forth, I let them poof me, and then they'll feel a lot better being around me." Steven: "Why though?" Sigh. (Y/N): "Because, Steven. If they think they can defeat me if I try to hurt them, then they will be more willing to be around me. If they think that I can not be stopped, they will fear me." Steven: "But we'll show them that you're a nice guy." (Y/N): "Problem, I'm not, Steven." Steven: "But-" (Y/N): "We need to talk later about this. Besides, the fear will remain. It will fester, and become anger. The anger will boil over into hatred. And from hatred, there will be suffering. First mine... Then theirs." Steven got a look of deep concentration on his face, before sighing. Steven: "I guess you're right. Ok, so I just need to pretend to be captured by you?" (Y/N): "Yes. Let me handle the rest." I took a moment to psyche myself up, and then I popped the bubbles that held Amethyst, Pearl, Ruby, and Sapphire.

I crossed my arms and tried to look menacing while I waited for them to reform. It's gonna be hard to look scary without violence, but I figure it's a skill I should learn. Agates do it all the time, how hard can it be? I have to look like a threat, despite the fact that I don't need to fight them any more; it will just make things easier if they think they could defeat me. The four gems reform at the same time.

The Pearl made a choking noise as she grabbed her throat, the Ruby and Sapphire looked for each other before quickly reforming into the fusion, and the Amethyst immediately got into a battle stance, refusing to believe that I had been taken down just yet. It didn't take long for them to notice me standing there, Steven tied up behind me. Pearl: "Steven!" They all pulled out their weapons. (Y/N): "Hmph. Rose Quartz's son back there tells me you 3 are the best the Crystal Gems have to offer. I don't believe it. I don't know how you fought off the Diamonds, but you've grown soft since then. It was so easy to beat you, that I'm letting you back out just so I can fight you again. Maybe this time, it won't be so boring!" Hopefully they won't see past my ruse.

Amethyst: "Is that all you can think about?! Fighting!?" Ok, good, they did not. (Y/N): "Only when it's this easy. Come on, give me a good After Action report for Blue Diamond." Garnet: "Listen, we don't have to fight. The Dia-" (Y/N): "I don't wanna hear it warmachine!" It felt, oddly, wrong to say that. If anything I want to know more about what it's like to be her. But it had the intended effect, she is madder than ever.

Garnet: "We can't take him on like this, we have to form Alexandrite!" Alexandrite? Form? They're going to fuse? Interesting, I wonder what a fusion of four different gems would even look like. (Y/N): "Go ahead, fuse! It won't help you match my strength!" I pulled out my hand axes to emphasize my words. They started to... Dance? What? I don't- Wait, they are melding into one another, becoming one gem. That dance must have been to help align their light wavelengths for fusion.

From the four-gems-now-as-one grows a giant warrior. It has a calm imposing face, worn as a mask over a second, more feral mouth, with a mane of turquoise hair and six arms. It was so beautiful that I dropped my hand axes and stared in amazement. It was perfection... The multi-armed gem goddess called Alexandrite started to bring her leg back for a kick, and I remembered too late to dodge that we were fighting. (Y/N): "Oh shit!"

The kick landed square in my solar plexus, launching me up into the air. Then Alexandrite pulled out a warhammer and swat me out of the air, sending me flying into a near-by hill. I collided with the peak and bounced high up into the air. Then it pulled out a flail, slammed me back into the hill, destroying it and crushing me. Thankfully I covered my gem first. (Y/N): "Multiple gem weapons? Bullshit." As I got up from the crater that used to be a hill, I looked towards Alexandrite again, and saw that she now held a bow, and that a hail of giant arrows were heading toward me. (Y/N): "Oh, that's just cheating!" I raised my guard and braced for the onslaught. As the arrows fell around and into me, I felt myself lose consciousness. (Y/N): "No, not now!" The voice was taking advantage of my wounded state to control me. I only hope that these injuries slow me down enough that they can still win. And the world... fades to black.

Crush! Kill! Destroy! (Male! Gem Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu