darkness fall

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As you heard jasper thought, you could feel something bad was gonna happen. You could see how the sunny day became a rainy day.

"ah, shit, here we go again," you said like in the meme.

you took your phone and went out to see jasper looking nervous. "there you are," you said to jasper. "why are you standing ou-" you heard thunder.

"w-what is that..?" jasper asked you.

"That's thunder, it sometimes happens when it is raining." You said while looking out at the forest. "but it's not so safe when you live in a forest and lightning can hit and start a forest fire." A few cold seconds went by.

"lets head in, I'm getting cold out here," you said to jasper.

She nodded.
As you and jasper walked back into the house, you notice that jasper looked annoyed. You closed the door and locked it. You took up your phone and noticed that time goes by very fast, it was already 9 PM. You sighed and turned around to jasper.
"You okay? You look annoyed," you said while trying to catch jasper's eyes on you.
"Why do you care.. human.." She mumble while not looking at you.
You took some step closer to jasper. Putting your hand on jasper cheek, making her look into your beautiful eyes. You notice that jasper was blushing a little.
"Even tho we met today, I still care about you.. and I have a name too, and it's (y/n)." You said to jasper but then dropping your hand. "Well, well.. I'm gonna head to bed"
"What do you mean?" Jasper asked you.
"I'm going to sleep dork, humans need sleep. Ok, like, when we humans sleep we get energy for the next day." You tried to explain
"And how do you sleep?" Jasper asked you once again.
"Well.. you close your eyes.. and think about nothing. Just listening to your breath, how it goes-" you explain
"Ok,ok. I get it" jasper said.
"Great, soo.. good night, jasper~" you said while walking into your room.

You laid down on your bed and closed your eyes. Slowly you fell asleep.

Memories - A jasper x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now