Sand & cream

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Before we start, I just need to tell you something about (y/n), the character has the ability to read people minds, so keep that in mind!

——————————— (y/n) POV's ——————————-
The day was sunny and no clouds was near. You had always had a good connection with the nature. You choose to take a walk near the beach. As you stepped out from your house, you could hear the birds singing. You could feel how the heat from the sun touch your body. A perfect day, you thought for yourself. You came to the beach. While picking up some seashells, you notice something orange that was laying in the sand. You picked it up.
"Woah....That's a very beautiful stone.." You said. "Should probably just keep it normal and not turning it into a necklace"
You put the orange stone in your pocket and went back to your house.  When you  came back to your house, you put the orange stone on a small but soft pillow and grabbed a book that was about gem stones and crystals. You found a page there it was a gem stone that looked like the one you found on the beach.
"A jasper.." you mumble.
You looked at the jasper, then the book and then again at the jasper and you turned around your head to the fridge.
"Man..I'm hungry.." you said
You took your phone and walked over to the fridge. As you open the fridge door you felt light. You closed the fridge door and notice the jasper flying up and changed form. You was frozen. Suddenly your friend was calling you on the phone. The song that you had was the Tem Shop song from UNDERTALE.
"Ohh, Shhi-" You suddenly dropped your phone.
"W-" You stopped jasper
"One moment please" you said picking up your phone.
You answer the call.

"Bruh, what do you fucking wannnnnnnnnnnt?" You whispered annoyed.
"Yo, (y/n) I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out this weekend?" Your friend answered.
"Uhh.. I don't know.. I'll call you later, ok?" You said with a little higher voice.
"Ok.. cya, (y/n)."
You closed your phone.
"Uhh.. sorry about that.. you know.. friends..?" You said nervously.
You both stared for few seconds. You could hear jasper's thought:
Humans are weird..
"Soo.... welcome.. back..?" You said without knowing what to say.
"Ummm... Where am I?" Jasper asked.
"Your in lego- I mean Beach City." You said nervously
More cold few seconds went by.
"You most be.... jasper?" You said
"How did you know my name?" Jasper asked with a strong voice.
You pointed at the book and then at her gem stone.
"Oh." Jasper looked at the book.
"You hungry?" You asked jasper.
You could hear a new thought from jasper:
Hungry.. what does that even mean.....

"Or maybe not.." you mumble
You open the fridge door again and took a apple from the fridge. You could see how jasper was looking around in your house. You took a bite into the apple and pulling up your phone. You looked at the time: 12:46
You open the app Instagram. You looked up and was going to see where jasper was, but then you noticed that she was about to go into your room.
"Wait don't-" You tried stopping jasper but it was to late.
You could hear jasper's thought again:
What the-

Memories - A jasper x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now