Billie wiped away the traces of her sadness and took a deep breath in and out. She was in a new home and she would make new memories.

Harper opened the fridge and was sorely disappointed. A carton of milk and gone off cheese. That was all that greeted her in the fridge. Billie knew the cheese was gone off because the smell had her tempted to run to the bin. She held her nose and picked up the cheese by the very tips.

All the whole she was transporting the hazardous food to the waste Billie's mind couldn't help but flash back to the books she read as a child, detailing the horrors of the 'cheese touch'. Her shoulders shook in amusement at her thoughts.

She totally had the cheese touch now.

She didn't let herself breathe through her nose again until the lid of the bin was safely secured and all mention of moldy cheese had dispersed from the abode.

Unfortunately, Billie didn't have enough money to go grocery shopping for her aunt, reminding her that she should probably get a job and help out for as long as she lived with Georgie.

Billie looked up the number of the nearest pizza place and half an hour later, a cheesy delight sat in front of her. Billie ate three slices, and set aside the rest for her aunt. But she figured it would be a while until she came back and Billie was in a particularly good mood.

Mystic Memorial was small in hospital terms, but it suited the town's population perfectly. The inside was clean and aired out with light shining in through multiple windows. Billie guessed it was an attempt to get rid of the general unease of patients.

Billie approached the front desk, asking for Georgie Delaney and a few minutes later her aunt appeared around the corner wearing light blue scrubs, the bags around her eyes even more prominent than last she saw her. Her curly bright blonde hair was put up with a claw and she walked dragging her comfy looking nurse shoes on the floor.

On seeing her niece, Georgie straightened up a bit, offering her a tired smile that made Billie want to lock her into a room with a bed and shut the lights. But the smile widened and her shuffle became an excited walk once she saw the pizza box clutched in Billie's hands.

"Is that for me?!" Billie laughed happily and nodded, brightening her aunt's smile. The receptionist couldn't help but grin at the scene.

"You take care of her, Georgie, she's a nice one." Her accent sounded faintly from Chicago and Billie blushed slightly at the compliment.

Aunt Georgie rolled her eyes, smiling humorously. "At this point Viv, she's taking more care of me than I am her." Billie handed her the warm box.

"It's nothing, I figured you'd be hungry." Georgie looked like her heart was melting and she gave her niece a bone rushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Billie laughed, amused at her aunt's excitement and turned waving at her while she left the hospital.

Georgie giggled happily and shared a slice with Viv, wondering why on earth her sister had kicked out such a sweet kid.


That night when Billie got home, she followed through with her internal promise and started revising over the work that had been completed without her. But she'd only made a dent by the time her eyes drooped and she fell asleep.

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