Mr. Nice

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 Mr. Nice's Used Cars is what some people call a job.
I call it hell. My name is Luella Iverson. I am a secretary at the aforementioned used car dealership. I started Wednesday. It is Friday morning. Getting cat calls and whistling from random dudes is a daily occurrence here even at my age, 33. This is a goddamn zoo out here. Mr. Nice AKA Mr. Randy Robinson(?) age 49(?) robbed and swindled customers. Randy was a jerk who faked his way through every conversation like he was pulling a con. Shady, shady deals going down here. I could tell he wasn't clean on anything. His wife took the money and ran it sounded like in the divorce. Randy had a son named Dallan Robinson. Dallan was supposed to show up today to help train me. Mr. Nice was too busy doing corrupt deals to train me. Dallan was 30 and irresponsible I got the feeling. Watching Randy taught me something. Don't listen to them, watch them.

Before I was hired on here I was at the end of my rope. I lived in an apartment with a man named Armand who used me for sex and I got to live there for free. I needed to get out from under him literally and figuratively so I applied for this job. The office had sunny days outside with a broad expanse of windows to look out at used cars. So much better than the dark apartment with Armand. Armand worked long hours only to come home and fuck me all night or any other time he was home. I was sick of his bullshit. I moved out of his apartment and into a friend's house temporarily. Armand was pissed that I left and I was empowered in leaving him. No more kinky sex. No more orgies. No more Armand.

I was very depressed to be out on my own and unsure of my future. My friend I was staying with Delia, was married to an equally asshole-like man Roger. Roger didn't like me being around and asked me to leave within so many days. I had my car, a 2006 Audi A4. That was all I had in the world. I was young but I was feeling old. The best years of my life were wasted figuring out how to stay alive instead of enjoying life. I was a mess. I don't know why Randy hired me other than I had a great body. It was what saved me every time. Men looked at my body and saw themselves in me. I was different looking with green eyes and long dark hair. My body was killer and I wore clothes to accentuate it. I liked all the attention it garnered. It meant I had something going for me.

I was typing on his ancient computer wishing for a new one when Dallan came in. A cheap gray suit with gray tie, a five o'clock shadow with a half assed grown in mustache. Long hair up top combed back with greasy products. He looked like he hadn't slept in a bed, hadn't showered and had been sleeping in his clothes with a wicked hangover. I quickly poured him some coffee and he took it happily.

Dallan said, "New girl."

"That's me, I'm Luella Iverson."

"Nice to meet you Luella. I'm Dallan. Why are you working for my father?"

"Because I need the money. Isn't that the reason everyone works?"

"No he is shady as fuck and you could go down for some things he has been doing. When it happens, pretend you know nothing. The less you learn here the better. My dad is going away to prison someday and I don't really care. He has been a deadbeat dad up until the last five years. I work for him because I need the money. You're right that is why people work. I just find him repugnant. You would too if you worked here more than two days."

"No I got the distinct impression he sucked."

"Keep that impression. I'm only here to find out what he is doing with my money. He has become a devious criminal with old age. I won't tell you what he is into. I'll just show you what you need to know."

"Okay. It looks pretty straightforward."

"It's not."

Dallan went to the window suddenly. With his hand out flat above his forehead to block out the sun he leaned on the window with furrowed eyebrows. He sighed looking at his dad talking to someone. "You know he used to be straight and the cops didn't check up on him. Back in the day he used to sell regular cars. He just got too greedy. I can't believe the sale outside. If I told you what he was talking to that dude about out there about you would run from this job and I would be doing your work. I hate that he bound me into his illegal life. I'm stuck."

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