Chapter 3.

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A/N: Just a warning, this chapter is a bit long. The story's coming to an end soon that's why.


It seems as though Camila didn't hear her name being called. She still had her head down, typing away on the touchscreen keyboard on her iPhone. She had taken little Avery to the park for her to play around with other kids her age, but also because it was her and Austin's meeting place when it was his weekend with Avery. Though, she looked just like a regular teenager waiting for her boyfriend at the swings. It was a touchy subject for her to talk about how Avery came to the world. Now at the age of 25 - and much more mature than before - she didn't mind telling the story to those who asked.

"Hey," Harry tried again, hoping she would look up this time.

Camila should've been watching over Avery, who seemed to get herself covered in sand, but she was too busy trying to contact the father of her child. A manly voice had called her name, and her first instinct was thinking it was Austin. It was her only excuse for looking down at her phone for so long. He was already twenty minutes late - she would be late for work by now - but she knew he would have some stupid excuse as to why he was late.

Harry's heart began to beat rapidly as Camila stood up from the swing. He stepped back a few steps thinking he was way too close to her. She let out a heavy sigh before opening her mouth to speak.

"Now what's your stupid excuse for being so late?" The brunette asked, placing her phone in her back pocket. Harry furrowed his eyebrows at her response. He was taken aback from the way she responded. She must have thought it was the person she was waiting for, but little did she know it was her best friend who she hasn't seen in 7 years. "I start my shift in thirty minutes. I was seriously thinking of bringing her with me." She ran her hand through her long hair and sighed again.

"I'm sorry," Harry replied, his voice sounding a bit surprised. "I don't know what you're talking about." It was then Camila lifted her head up. It still hasn't crossed her mind that standing in front of her was Harry.

"Wow, that was really horrible of me," she said chuckling slightly. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone - " she cut herself off when her brown eyes had met familiar green ones. Her breath hitched as she noticed the curly hair, and masculine facial features. Harry's lips curved into a small smile. "Harry?" She stepped closer to him thinking that it would help her to make sure it was really him standing in front of her. "Oh my gosh, Harry!" She exclaimed.

"I was hoping for a better reaction, but that's fine too," he replied, shrugging slightly. Camila was still in shock. She couldn't believe out of all places, she would be standing in front of Harry. All while her daughter ran around near the play structure, and her "baby daddy" still hasn't shown up.

Does he even know about Avery? She asked herself.

"I... I-I'm just surprised to see you that's all," she stuttered. Her hand found its way to the back of her neck. "What're you doing here? Did you move back to Miami?" She had no choice but to make small talk with the guy. There was no time for a long conversation when in the corner of her eyes she could see Austin picking Avery up into his arms.

"I actually just came to visit my mom," he began explaining, "plane tickets were getting pricey for her." He followed Camila's gaze, turning around to see who she was looking at. "So it seems like you've settled down already," he said gesturing towards Austin and the little girl, who he didn't seem to recognize, approaching them. Camila's eyes widened.

"Oh no no no!" She exclaimed shaking her head, "it's a long story."

Two pairs of eyes settled between the father and the little girl who looked almost exactly like Camila. Only, she had a few traits that were from Austin: like her eyes and hair color. By the look on Camila's face, it was definitely obvious that they weren't together at all. That only meant, he was here to take the little girl for the weekend. Typical custody agreement.

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