A hand shaking back and forth in front of my face brought me back from my trance, and I stared at her sheepishly. It was now my turn to apologize. "Sorry."

She shuddered and grimaced, clearing her throat as she rubbed it. "How long does it take to get used to this thirst. I swear I fed not even an hour ago and I'm thirsty again."

"Let's go hunt." I suggested as I took a step backwards. "Let me just grab a few wolves and we can go."

Her eyes widened. "Is it safe?"

"With me, you are perfectly safe."


**Eva POV**

"Let's go hunt!" He suggested as he stepped backwards, pointing behind him with his thumb. My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped as Dimitris words from days ago echoed in my mind.

'Don't hunt alone. I know you won't do it, but you are a newly turned vampire, and you can hurt someone...' I didn't understand him until he laid a hand gently on my still achy body and looked me in the eyes. 'You can lose control and kill a person. Hunting people is illegal...'

"With me, you are perfectly safe," he assured me when I voiced out my concerns.

"I wasn't talking about me..."

He sighed, and took the step back. His arms went up in the air as if he was going to place them on my shoulders, but instead, he dropped them to his sides again in an awkward manner and clenched his fists. "I will look out for you. You will not lose control when you're with me. Besides, you have your last lesson today. If you're not confident you can hunt by yourself, we can't let you go."

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. "You're right. I'm ready. Let's go."

As I followed him around the pack, I kept quiet and my eyes trained on the ground. I was a guest; a stranger only staying to control my thirst, so I was technically interrupting a funeral for a pack member. I had to pay my respects.

Smelling all the different scents in the air made my nose twitch, and a sneeze wanting to come out, but I controlled it. There was a hint of dirt in the wind, and I could almost taste the salt that rested around us.

'Tears,' the voice inside my head told me, which brought back memories of the past week.


"Are you sure you want this?" Dimitri spoke softly as he stood above me. I felt like I was on my death bed —which technically I was since I was still laying down in my bed, dying.

I nodded, looking over at Xavier —who stood at the foot of my bed— for a few seconds before looking at Tatiana. "Yes. I'm sure."

Dimitri spoke a few words I did not understand to Tatiana, and she nodded. He then bent in half and gently placed a kiss on my forehead as he whispered "Welcome to the family..." before he stepped to the side.

"Will you please leave?" Tatiana asked Xavier, who hesitated, but after a stare down, left. Tatiana sighed deeply, and then stared at my fragile body. I gave both her and Dimitri a weak smile, before she lifted her hands over me and whispered, "somnum..." as I knocked out.

When I awoke the next time, my body ached.... but not in the sick type of way. It felt like I had had the worst type of exercise in my entire life in the span of an hour, and my entire body was on shutdown. But what hurt the most was my throat. There was an indescribable itch present, and as much as I swallowed, it wouldn't go away. It took me a few moments to remember exactly what had happened, and then my burn made sense.

Choosing Fate (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now