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"I swear! it wasn't a dream! Jeno literally walked up to my house and asked me if I wanted to hang out with him!"

Renjun was walking with Chenle to the library to meet up with Donghyuck. It was lunchtime and Renjun was currently trying to tell Chenle about what had happened the day before.

"maybe your hallucinating," Chenle suggested. 

Renjun just rolled his eyes at the younger's statement. "you know, you're not being much help right now."

"I know, I've never been good with these things," Chenle sighed, "maybe Hyuck will be able to help. All I know is that Jeno is dangerous and you shouldn't trust him."

Renjun shook his head, amused. A part of him definitely believed what Chenle had said, but another part of him wanted desperately to think that there was another side to Jeno. A kinder side that for now, was just undiscovered.

They walked into the library and saw Donghyuck sitting at a table and chatting peacefully with Jaemin and Jisung.

Seeing this, Renjun looked over at Chenle, half expecting him to sprint away from the two other boys. Instead, he watched as Chenle calmly made his way over to the table.

"hey guys!" Chenle said excitedly.

Renjun was shocked. the last time he checked, both Donghyuck and Chenle would do anything to stay away from Jaemin and Jisung. Now suddenly they seemed like close friends?

Jaemin and Jisung both waved. Chenle took a seat next to Jisung and Renjun followed, sitting across from Jaemin. He looked down, doing everything he could to avoid making eye contact.

Renjun listened quietly to the four talk. if you didn't know them, it would sound as if the four boys had known each other for a lifetime. 

After a while, Renjun got up. He hadn't said a single word throughout the whole conversation and he didn't intend on saying anything either. Instead, he excused himself by saying that he was going to the washroom.

The rest of them nodded and Renjun even saw Jaemin flash him a small smile before directing his attention back to the discussion.

Right when Renjun was about to leave the library, he felt someone pull on the back of his shirt. 

"Where do you think you're going?"

Renjun didn't even have to turn around. He recognized this voice.

"Jeno, what do you want?" he asked.

"What do I want?" Jeno's voice sounded sharp and teasing, like the tone of voice Jeno had used when he bullied Renjun on the first day. "I want you to listen to me."

Renjun was taken aback by how different Jeno's voice sounded since yesterday. This particular tone made Renjun feel afraid and helpless. Renjun looked over to where his friends were sitting, trying desperately to make eye contact and get them to help, but the small boy was held back by Jeno's grip, not allowing him to move at all. 

When Jeno turned around and saw Jaemin and Jisung sitting at the table, he let go, kicking Renjun again in the exact same spot as a few days ago. Renjun watched as Jeno turned around and walked off without another word.

Renjun stood there, frozen in place. There was absolutely no way that was the same Jeno he had seen yesterday. It just wasn't possible. How could someone possibly have such a huge change in their personality over the span of less than 24 hours?

Renjun shook his head, snapping himself back to reality. That's when he finally noticed the pain spreading through his leg. He sat himself down on the nearest chair straightening his leg in front of him.

Just as he was about to get up to go to the nurse's office, he heard another voice. 

"Do you need any help?"

Renjun looked up and saw Jaemin staring at him. 

"I-I think I'm okay..." Renjun stuttered.

Jaemin glanced at Renjun's leg where there was now a red mark. "I don't think so, I'll walk you to the nurse's office," Jaemin said while helping Renjun up.

Renjun was confused but didn't question it. Jaemin lifted Renjun up easily, because of how light he weighed and carried him all the way to the office.

From the far side of the library, Jeno watched the two and couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy rise up inside of him. 

Why? He didn't know. But he knew that if this continued, he wouldn't be able to take it any longer.


I lowkey hate school rn, but our spring break is soon hehe :)

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