December 21st & 22nd

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Becky was cleaning up around the house as Dean was resting by the fireplace. Becky would check on him every 5 minutes to make sure he was resting.

Dean woke up from his nap and saw Becky walking away. Then Chris Jericho appeared and sat down on the couch.

Dean-''Hey, Chris.''

Chris-''Hey. How you feeling?''

Dean-''Better. But not 100%.''

Chris-''Hence why Becky is checking on you every 5 minutes?''

Dean-''Yeah. She's just looking out for me. I did sprain my leg.''


Dean-''But I should be walking around by tomorrow. I know I have just a few days left before Christmas.''

Chris-''I'm not too worried. You're doing a great job and I'm sure I'll be turning you back into a human by Christmas morning.''


Chris-''Hey, do you still want me to write that note for Becky to go along with the Irish ring you want to give her on Christmas?''

Dean-''Yeah. But you can do that the night of Christmas Eve. After Becky has gone to bed.''

Chris-''Sure thing.''

Then Becky walked in.

Becky-''Oh, you're awake.''

Dean wagged his tail as Becky smiled.

Becky-''Well, I'm almost done cleaning. Then I'll make us some lunch, ok?''

Dean barked.

Becky-''Awesome. Be back in a few minutes!''

Becky said as she walked off.

Dean-''Oh, man.''

Chris-''What's wrong?''

Dean-''I could I be so selfish?''

Chris-''What do you mean?''

Dean-''I let my past get in the way of my present and my future with Becky. I mean, just because this time of the year sucked for me as a kid....didn't mean it had to be bad for me as an adult!''

Chris nodded.

Dean-''How could I do that to her?''

Chris-''Hey, everybody learns life lessons in different ways and at different times. The important thing is that you learn from it.''

Dean-''But I shouldn't have let my past get in the way.''

Chris-''And now you're not because you learned that.''

Dean-''Why do I feel like we're having a Simba & Rafiki moment?''

Chris-''Oh, when Rafiki hit Simba on the head and taught him that the past can hurt, but you can either run from it or learn from it?''


Chris-''Well, I wasn't gonna hit you with my cane, but if you want me to-''

Dean-''No! No, no, no, no. I'm good.''

Chris chuckled.

Dean-''I learned from it. And I have to give Becky the biggest apology in the world.''

Chris-''I'm sure Becky will forgive you. Question is though....will you forgive yourself?''

Dean looked down at the floor.

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