December 13th & 14th

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Becky drove up to Bayley's house and parked the car as Dean was sitting in the backseat.

Becky-''Alright, we're here.''

Becky got out of the car, opened the backdoor for Dean and he jumped out. They both walked up to Bayley's front door & Becky knocked.

Becky-''You ok, Dean?''

Dean barked and wagged his tail.


Bayley opened the door.


Bayley hugged Becky and Dean.

Bayley-''Come on in. It's freezing out there.''

Becky & Dean walked in and Bayley closed the door.

Bayley-''You can hang your coat by the others on the coat rack.''

Becky took her coat off and hung it by the other coats.

Bayley-''You want some tea? I'm about to make some.''

Becky-''Sure. I'd love some tea.''

They all walked into the kitchen.

Becky-''So, when is the tree arriving?''

Bayley-''I just got off the phone with the delivery man. He said he'll be here in less than an hour.''

Bayley said as she poured boiling water into two cups.

Bayley-''He's got quite a few trees to deliver today.''

Becky-''I'll bet.''

Bayley put the teabags in the cups.

Bayley-''How about yours?''

Becky-''How about my what?''

Bayley-''Your Christmas tree. Aren't you getting a new one this year?''

Becky-''Yeah, I was. But....''

Dean looked at Becky.

Bayley-''But what?''

Becky-''You know, even though Ambrose hates Christmas & I stopped doing a lot of Christmas things because of him....''

Becky sighed.

Becky-''It doesn't feel like Christmas without him.''

Dean-''Really? Even though I made it so difficult for you?''

Bayley-''Becky, I'm sure Ambrose will be home soon.''

Becky-''I know. But I'm just not in the Christmas mood too much lately.''

Bayley-''But, embrace Christmas like no one I've ever come to know. You can't lose your Christmas Spirit. Otherwise there'll be no hope for the rest of us.''

Becky smiled.

Dean barked!

Bayley-''You see! Dean agrees with me. Don't lose hope, ok? Ambrose will be back very soon.''

Becky smiled.

Becky-''Thank you.''

Bayley handed Becky her cup of tea.

Bayley-''No problem.''

Becky looked over at Dean and smiled at him as he wagged his tail.

30 minutes later, the Christmas tree was delivered and brought into the house. It was set up in the living room.

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