“Uh-huh, sure,” I continue. “I bet he’ll ask you out, wouldn’t that be amazing?”

She laughs and replies, “Like he wants to date a Slytherin, everyone has the same attitude towards us.” I sigh.

“I know.”

As the week goes on, we see why people think that all Slytherins are jerks. We see some of us bullying first years; some shoving people down the stairs, some pulling mean jokes on other students.  But it’s probably only 20% of all Slytherins who are doing it. I think that the others are just too afraid to speak against them. Zan and I help where we can be we’re just two people; we can’t be everywhere at once. Finally it’s Saturday, and Zan and I head down to the quidditch field, broom over my shoulder. Our captain is Marcus Flint; he’s a complete jerk as I’ve seen, but I guess it’s worth it for quidditch. I’m trying for chaser. As I look down the line, I notice no other girls are trying out. I shrug, not thinking much of it. Zan is in the stands, waiting for the tryouts to begin. “You’re trying out for quidditch?!” I hear an astonished voice behind me exclaim. It’s none other than my lovely friend Draco.

 “Noooo, I just decided to come down here and hold a broom on the field in the middle of tryouts.” I respond sarcastically, but smiling still to let him know I’m joking. He flashes one of his rare ACTUAL smiles at me before returning to the Malfoy trademark.

“I’m trying out for seeker, this would be my second year,” he boasts. I nod and say, “That’s pretty cool. My brother's a seeker; he’s really good at it.” Draco opens his mouth to reply, but Marcus starts the tryouts just then.

 It’s the chasers up first. I step up with my group and Flint raises an eyebrow. “A girl? What are you doing here?”

“What does it look like? I’m trying out for chaser,” I say innocently. His lip curls up in a smirk, “Well we’ll see how you do then. Let’s do some laps people!” he shouts to the rest of us, and we take off on our brooms. I easily out fly everyone in my group-there’s even a couple seventh years in it. When we start passing the quaffle, attempting to score, no one can catch me. I make perfect steals and impressive maneuvers. When we all land in front of Flint, everyone is panting but I’m barely sweating. Flint’s just gaping at me, and I look at him slightly amused. “Where did you learn to do that?” he demands.

 I shrug my shoulders and reply with, “My old school was really into quidditch.” He just stares at me then looks at his clipboard.

 He announces the chasers on the team, “Emily Bonor, and Chris Warrington, along with myself. Everyone else can go.” The dejected students file past on their way up to the castle. I walk over to my new team member, who appears to be a fifth year, and shake his hand.

“Hey,” I greet him. “I’m Emily, in case you didn’t catch it.”

“Nice to meet you. Those were some pretty good moves,” Chris says as we walk up to the stands to watch the end of tryouts.

“Thanks,” I respond while sitting down. He sits on my right and Zan comes over and sits down on my left.

She smiles in greeting to him, but looks at me and says with a huge grin, “Flint didn’t know what hit him.” I laugh and hit her arm lightly. “No really, you should have seen his face. That’ll teach him to underestimate Emily Bonor!” Now I shove her out of her seat. We watch the tryouts continue, the end results being Peregrine Derrick (Per for short) and Lucian Bole being the beaters, Miles Bletchley is the new keeper, and Draco is the seeker. We all stand around Flint, listening to him lecture about our practices on Friday nights. When he finally lets us go, the stands have cleared of Slytherins and have started to fill up with Gryfinndors; they are trying out next. Zan intercepts me on my way up to the castle and we walk together as she fills me in on her latest gossip.

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