Chapter Six

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The next day I’m let out of the hospital wing, and I head down to the quidditch pitch where my teammates will be practicing. When I arrive, I notice that practice has already begun. Grumbling in my mind I mull over how I’m not allowed to fly until tomorrow. However I don’t have much time to dwell on that fact, because a hot-headed Marcus Flint lands and storms up to me and demands why I missed the match yesterday. “I could kick you off the team for that!” He roars, elaborating on how mad he is.

“Well gee; it’s not like I MENT to get sent to the hospital wing from a could-have-been-deadly-allergy!” I exclaim back angrily.

“Because you didn’t show up, it messed up the whole team! It’s your fault we lost!” He retorts. By now, my teammates have all landed and come over to us.

“Hey, lay off Marcus,” Miles tries to defend me.

“This isn’t any of your business!” Flint snaps at him. This causes some raised eyebrows. “We need to get off this field anyways; the bloody Gryfinndors have the pitch next.” He turns on his heel and stalks back towards the school.

“None of your business, the last time I checked you’re a part of the same team we are,” Chris fumes once the furious team captain is out of earshot.

“And Flint has no reason to talk to you like that, it’s not your fault you got sent to the hospital wing!” Draco comments to me.

“How did he even end up as captain?” I wonder aloud as our team starts back up to the school.

“He impressed Snape in potions I think,” Per informs me.

“Well that’s a stupid reason to choose someone as captain!” I exclaim.

“Yeah, and this is just your first year with him; I’ve hated him since the start,” Lucian tells me. “I wish he wasn’t our captain.” Murmured agreement follows his statement from the rest of the team.

“Well then why haven’t you guys asked for a new captain?” I ask, confused; everyone stares at me.

“You can do that?” asks Miles wonderingly.

“Um, yeah…”I reply, baffled at how they didn’t know this.

“How?” Lucian inquires eagerly.

“You should just be able to talk to the head of house; the only thing is you have to present who you think would be a better captain for the team and why,” I tell them. The team falls into silence for a moment, thinking.

“Well, what about you?” supplies Draco. My eyebrows shoot up.

“Me?” I ask, bewildered. “Why me? Not only am I new to the team versus you guys, the veterans, I’m only a third year!”

“Yeah, but I’ve heard that you’re a legal wizard already though, so you’re not technically a third year, are you?” questions Chris.

“Well, yeah, but-" I’m cut off by Per who says,

“And we’ve all seen you practice, and without a doubt you are the best player on our team,” he states, as if it’s a fact and not an opinion. Somehow in the midst of this conversation we met the Gryffindor team going down to practice. Now normally this wouldn’t even register in my mind, other than the fact I believe it was the first time in history the Slytherin team walked past them without giving them even a single glare.

“So then it’s decided; we’ll go talk to Snape to get Emily as our captain,” Draco says, confirming the thoughts of the rest of my team. I sigh, defeated.

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