Chapter Eight

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry about my lack of updates! My computer crashed several weeks ago so I had to transfer all my files to a thumb drive, then I lost the thumb I'm going to post twice tonight to make up for it!

Also this is dedicated to my best friend, even though he's not supposed to be commenting on my story ;)


“Geez Zan! I’m very capable of walking on my own!” I exclaim, yanking my arm back and slowing to a more reasonable pace. “What was the point of that? I hadn’t even finished my breakfast!” I complain.

“Well, if you hadn’t taken so long to get down there, you would have had more time to eat,” sniffs Zan.

“Well, whose fault is that?” I exclaim.

“Oh yeah, I guess that wasn’t your fault…” Zan trails off, remembering suddenly the chaos that occurred this morning.

“What wasn’t your fault?” asks Oliver.

“Being late to breakfast,” I say, shooting an annoyed glare at Zan after smiling at Oliver. The four of us pass through the gates and start towards Hogsmeade.

“So whose fault was it?” asks Fred, amused.

“Pretty much everyone’s but Emily’s,” Zan admits sheepishly. “She was just playing mediator.”

“For what?” asks Oliver, eyebrow raised.

“Hmmm, let’s see. It started with cold showers, six of them; I had to teach my roommates the spell for hot water, which was followed by an argument over who used who’s hairbrush, tailoring a robe, and soothing a panic attacked roommate,” I finish, grinning at Zan. A little color rose into Zan’s cheeks and she stuck her tongue out at me.

“Why were you having a panic attack?” Fred inquires, looking down at her.

“No reason; I thought Emily didn’t have enough to do so I decided to make her morning more interesting.” Everyone laughs at her made up excuse as Hogsmeade comes into view.

“Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t explored this place more,” I say, tightening my scarf against the late autumn chill.

“You haven’t?” asks a shocked Oliver.

“Nope, I’ve always been busy, studying, going to practice, almost dying in the hospital wing,” I joke, seeing Zan and Fred slip away out of the corner of my eye.

“Well then, consider yourself lucky because I’m your tour guide for the day,” says Oliver, looping his arm over my shoulder. We walk the main street through town with Oliver pointing out the points of interest. “That’s Zonkos; Fred and George usually drag me out to here every time we come to Hogsmeade. It’s only fair though, considering I make them go with me to Spintwitches to look at quidditch stuff.” I look at the two shops side by side-the colorful one full of nick knacks and Hogwarts students, and the other with several students gathered outside the window, observing the newest broomstick. I glance to the left and see a sweets shop, full of just as many students as Zonkos. “That’s Honeydukes; the best sweets shop I’ve ever been in.” We continue down the street, receiving some shocked looks as the students recognized the two quidditch captains of Slytherin and Gryffindor doing the unthinkable-hanging out together. We pass a tea shop, which Oliver tells me is Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop. I glance through the window to see a frilly pink and lacy interior; at the counter are Zan and Fred, both ordering. I smile as I see Fred’s got his arm around Zan’s waist, who is leaning into him and laughing. Oliver follows my gaze and smiles as well.

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