A Choice

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Music: Black Clover OST Dawn 

(I recommend putting it on loop)

Nozel POV

"Do it."

The doctors looked at me with worry in their eyes. "Wizard King, do you know what we are saying? If we chose to save the baby, we risk killing (y/n) in the process,"


A nurse looked at me as she was cleaning up the arrow. "This arrow is dipped in poison. There is only one cure-"

"Where is this cure found?" I asked desperately. 

"In the Spade Kingdom,"

I knew what they meant. 

"I never wanted to ask someone, but who do you wish to save?"

I took a deep breath. I couldn't risk losing (y/n) or our child. "Save them both."


"I will personally plead the Spade King to give us the remedy," I vowed.

A nurse with green eyes and silver hair stared at me with sorrow. "Wizard King, this poision will finish running its course in three days. We only have enough to slow the process," 

"Send for me a spacial mage that has been to the Spade Castle," I ordered.


"Why should I help you?" The leaders of the Spade Kingdom, the Dark Triad, hissed. "Your kingdom stole the previous king's daughter. And her own daughter. Not to mention one of our sons."

"I...I have something to confess," I said. "The previous king's daughter is (y/n) Novochorno Silva. My wife, and the mother of our children."

This caused a riot within the Spade Kingdom's misty atmosphere.

"Silence!" One of the leaders shouted and everyone grew still. "If she is who you say you are, then we will help. On account that one of her children are sent to live here."

"WHAT?" I shouted, outraged. 

"For us to help you, we require something in return. If you cannot give us one child, you will give us something equal of importance. Give us (y/n) herself."

I took a deep breath. "Can we offer you something else?"

"Give up your crown as Wizard King or give us the Infinity Necklace."

"The Infinity Necklace?" I frowned. "Only those loved by mana can use it."

"We'll find a way."

I sighed. I had the necklace with me since I knew that they would request that. "Very well."

One mage threw me a sack of the remedy and I caught it and handed the necklace. 

It had four diamonds in the shape of a clover, spade, heart, and diamond. It was something Secre Swallowtail had made long ago and was kept safe by the Silvamillion family for generations.

No one knew about it except the first Wizard King, Licht, and our family.

"Thank you," I clasped the bag tightly in my hand.

"Do not ever return or else we will kill you," the leader spat. "Unless you give us back the raven-haired wind-spirit mage and (y/n) Novochrono Silva."


"Are you sure about this?" A doctor said. "This will heal (y/n) and your son, but...your child will be very fragile his entire life and Queen (y/n) will no longer be able to produce children."

"Do it."

They got to work and soon, (y/n)'s eyes fluttered open.

"(y/n)!" I held her close to me.

"The baby,..is he alright?"

"He's fine, just under close watch," a nurse said kindly.

"There was poison in that arrow from the Spade Kingdom," I explained.

(y/n)'s eyes darkened as I told her the total truth about her mother and father and what the Spade Kingdom requested.

"You did what you could," she sighed. "I'm just glad you are okay. And I do know that the Spade Kingdom isn't loved by mana-"

I smiled. "I gave them a fake Infinity Necklace. The real one is hidden in a place where even I don't know. The last person who knows is Julius Novochrono, but best not to ask him."


"Mommy! I'm so glad you're okay!" Amore and Tashiko clung to their mother.

I held the smallest child, Noble, close to me. He was extremely small and I didn't want anything to hurt him. Especially since he was our last biological child. "Be gentle," I scolded.

"It's alright," (y/n) held our children close to us.

"I'm glad to see you are alright," River and Luciano said solemnly. 

"We have to do something about the Spade Kingdom, this attack will not go unanswered!" I growled. Luciano and I stared at each other, messages passed. We both would make them pay.

During the attack, his children were hurt. Ayato has a permanent scar on his face and Subaru has a nasty wound.

"I'm just glad you are okay," River said softly to (y/n).

"I'm healed, but...I can't have any more children," (y/n) looked at me with sorrow.

I sighed and placed Noble down on the carpeted floor and hugged her tightly. "We'll get through this, (y/n). They will not get away with his."

Rain poured outside as if the whole kingdom was mourning. Security was placed everywhere and the magic knights were ordered to protect everyone, no matter what class someone is in.

Eventually, everyone went to bed and I nestled into the covers with (y/n). She was sobbing quietly and I held her.

"Noz, why did they do this to me? To us?" 

I held her close and kissed her forehead. "I have no idea, (y/n). All I know is that they will pay." I had to keep reminding her since she was drowning in sadness. Who wouldn't be?

(y/n) clung to me. "What if they attack again? What if-"

"(y/n), calm down." I soothed her. "If they dare step near you or anyone we love again, I fucking kill them. I will protect us and this kingdom."

The current king did absolutely nothing but cry and hide in his own castle during each and every attack.

He was said to have large amounts of mana, but I had doubt it. He was a disgusting brute and I had no idea why the hell he was still king. He was clearly unpopular.

"Don't worry, (y/n). If the Spade Kingdom ever fucks with the Clover Kingdom ever again,  I will personally see to it that they don't ever do so again."

(Lament) Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now