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(I suggest putting the video on loop since it is rather short)

Music: Black Clover OST 21: Fate

Please remember that I am using my own twist on this story!

Reader POV

"What do you mean you have no magic left?" River asked you with shock in her eyes.

You smiled sadly at her. "When the kingdom was in danger, I was offered a choice by my future self. In exchange for freeing the kingdom and performing two forbidden spells; Time Trapper and Total Time Reverse, I am now cursed to never use magic again. Even though it was used for the greater good,"

Nozel, unaware of the full speculation, looked at you with equal shock as your children stared at you in awe. "How come you never told me but you told her? Do I mean nothing to you?"

You looked at Nozel with slight hurt in your eyes. "No, Noz. You mean the world to me, all of you," Tashiko and Amore looked at you with sadness.

"That's why you don't have magic," Luciano said, deep in thought. "I thought it was rather weird when the same thing happened twice. I knew it was either a vision or...but (y/n), how far do you think your spell went?"

"I don't know,"

Luciano stared at a map and drew an invisible series of circles around the map. "It went everywhere, (y/n). Just how powerful were you?"

"I have no idea..."

River's children, Ayato and Subaru, stared at you with deep respect. "Are you a descendant of elves? Papa told us about them and how they were loved by mana,"

You and Nozel sweatdropped. "Let's just say that the elves are part of me, in more ways than one."

Nozel still looked slightly annoyed. "How come you didn't tell me, (y/n)? Did you think I wouldn't understand? That I wouldn't try to help?"

"No, Nozel. There is no way you could've helped-"

"MAJESTIES! YOU MUST TAKE COVER!" Guards ran up to yous just as a series of arrows crashed through the window.

"Protect the children!" 

Nozel immediately put a shield of mercury around the children, encasing them into a ball that would protect them. Luciano used his blood magic to create a blood sword (Beyond the Boundary/Kayori no Kanata who???) which was like a real sword but more deadly and accurate. River started using her water magic to slow down the arrows.


"(y/n)!" Nozel screamed, turning around to see your abdomen bloody. 

Looking down with hazy eyes, you saw the arrow in the lower part of your stomach...

"Noz...the baby!"

His eyes widened as he remembered that you were once again pregnant with a child. Another son. He was only 7 and a half months instead of all 9.

Just as you were falling in and out of consciousness, you saw with fury in his beautiful purple eyes, unleashing a massive mercury spell and River coming to your aid. 

The children had no idea what was going on.

Nozel POV

We had captured every last one of the attackers.

"Who are you and where are you from?" I picked one up by his collar and spat in his face. "My patience is wearing thin, do not test me."

One smirked at me. "Where do you think, o Wizard King?" 

"Tell me!"

"Nozel!" River glared at me. "Let him speak."

I shot a glare at her and she surrendered. "Tell me. Where. Are. You. From."

One with (h/c) hair and green eyes smirked at me. "The Spade Kingdom, o Wizard King."

I dropped the one I was holding. "What was your goal in coming here?"

"You should know. After all, we aimed a good shot at your wifey,"

I lost all my patience and got ready to impale them with a mercury spear. "Why."

"Why not?" The one with (h/n) hair had a grin seen in nightmares. Like the one I saw at the shadow palace over seven years ago. 

I stared at him closer. "You look awfully like (y/n)..."

"It's so obvious!" River stood up suddenly. "Nozel, didn't you hear about the scandal? Of why the Spade Kingdom hates the Clover Kingdom?"


"(y/n) Novochrono Silva isn't who you think she is,"

"I already know she shared a soul with a fricken elf."

River shook her head. "No. Her father is Julius Novochrono, the past Wizard King. But her mother. She was the 2nd child in line for the throne of the Spade Kingdom. When she met Novochrono, they fell in love but couldn't have each other. Neither cared and that resulted in Her mother running away from the Spade Kingdom here so that way she could get married to Novochrono. Two years later, (y/n) was born but her mother sadly died. When the Spade Kingdom found out about it, they wanted to take back (y/n) but the current King and Wizard King refused. Since then, the Spade Kingdom has grown even madder."

"Precisely," the one with (h/c) hair said. "I'm (y/n)'s first cousin. Aquarius Spadilliox, and I'm here to end her for the good of the kingdom."


"Will she be okay?" I worriedly asked the nurses and doctors.

"We must take the baby out now, King Nozel. It may not survive, but it won't survive in her any longer."

"Do it." 

(Lament) Nozel Silva x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang