Into Memories Pt. 1

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Reader POV

All of your memories were fuzzy. 

Two souls fighting over one body.

Awaking, you find yourself in a void. Through two circular screens, you could see your body attacking the Clover Kingdom.


"Who are you?"

The man had white hair, golden eyes, and a loving aura surrounding him.

"You know who I am," he spoke softly. 


Images flashed before you of a woman helping you up, kissing your injuries, overflowing amounts of mana...and a fatal attack. 

The people, except for the one woman, had pointed ears. 


Lict spread his arms out, tears in his eyes. "My firstborn."

(I am changing some details, but for the sake of the story, please just roll with it.)

His mana around engulfed both of you in a loving aura. "I've waited five centuries to finally speak with you again."

"Dad..." You stepped closer to him. "My brothers, they-"

Lict didn't meet your (e/c) eyes. "My body outside this void is fighting your twin brothers. As is your own body. Right now, if you look outside, you are attacking the capital with time spells.

"I must say, you have magnificent magic. Though you didn't inherit a combination of wind and spirit magic like your brother...or Anti-Magic like your other brother."

You stopped staring through the two screens. "Wait, who are my brothers?"

He tilted his head in confusion. "Asta and Yuno?" 

"EH????" Your jaw dropped.

"Yes. Let me explain. You were my firstborn, yet you were born from an elf mother. She, sadly, died. But Tetia is the mother of Asta and Yuno, making them your half-brothers." Lict said. "I am surprised you didn't figure out yourself...though I will admit Patri's spell didn't go as planned since I am attacking the capital and my own sons..."

"What happened to you after...the massacre?" You blatantly asked. 

Lict couldn't meet your eyes. "I...I used forbidden demonic spells to reincarnate everyone. But because I used so much demonic magic, I turned into a demon."

With Nozel...

"Are you sure that was (y/n) who talked to you, Brother?" Noelle asked. 

I nodded. "Yes. I could see my wife in that elf's eyes. Though I am not sure how this happened, I intend to get her back."

Noelle nodded beside me. "I agree. (y/n) is my idol...I love her. I want her to back."

"I couldn't agree more, Little Sister." I faced her. "I...I am sorry for the way I treated you when you were younger. It's just that you looked so much like Mother Acier...I didn't want you hurt or taken away."

Noelle looked at me, astonishment in her violet eyes. "Nozel?"

"I want to make things right with you. I let this go for far too long. I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but-"

I was attacked by Noelle hugging me tightly. "I forgive you, Brother Nozel."

Nebra and Solid gawked at us, but I sternly shut them up.

"What would (y/n) say if she knew you forgave this failure!??" Nebra screamed.

I glared at her. "My wife would say 'shame on you' since Noelle never deserved anything we put her through."

Noelle spoke up; "A-Actually, I think that (y/n) is the best thing that happened to us. We need to focus on saving her."

My heart swelled. I always knew that my family was absolutely enamoured by my wife, but still.


"Tch! (y/n) is so annoying!!" I shouted as I crossed my arms.

Mother Acier glared at me and bonked me on the head. She was pregnant again, but with another girl. "And you aren't, you damn brat?"

"Hey!" I shouted. "At least I don't reverse time so I can steal all of the desserts!"

"Guilty as charged," (y/n) said sheepishly as she walked into the room. "Besides, don't act like you didn't mooch off some of the goods, Braid-face!"


"SHUT UP!" Merelona shouted to both of us, poor Fuegelon standing behind her in embarrassment.

Smirking slightly, (y/n) stood on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Fine, I'm sorry, Nozel. I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

My face flared up. "EHH? What the heck was that for, Novocheap?"

"Nothing," she shrugged. "But seriously, all your yelling is going to give me a headache. Lict wasn't like this at all when he was scolding me,"

I stopped, jealousy pouring through my skin for some stupid reason..."Who is Lict? Your friend?"

"No, my dad!" She swatted me.

"Who's your father? I'm quite sure Julius Novochrono is your father," Merelona said with a confused look.

The light in (y/n)'s eyes turned from golden to her normal eye color. "Oh, did I say something else? Yes, Julius Novochrono is my dad," 

"Um, you're such a weirdo!" I said to her, pushing her away from me.

From that day on, she began to do weird things, like stand a bit closer to me, force me to give her piggy-back rides around the castle, and kissing my cheek.

Until I finally told her to stop.

"It's really annoying!" I said. 

"So? We're best friends!" (y/n) smiled at me, a humorous glint in her eyes.

"No, we aren't! We aren't even friends! We're just two people from close families!" I snapped. "Go away. I have better things to do, like maybe run a squad!"

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. "Oh."

I shoved her away. "Now leave! I have no time! Do you know how many people gossip about us in my squad!? They should be preparing for missions, not gossiping about the Wizard Princess (y/n) and I!"


"You always say sorry! But you never mean it! Just...just go away." I said. "And don't come back."

She turned on her heel, tears running down her face.

Something she hasn't done since her mother and my mother died...

 "You know what? Fine. I'm done trying, Nozel. I wish you could look past your arrogance! It's a shame, really." Just as she was about to close the door, I heard her shout; "I really did like you, Nozel! But fuck you. Really, fuck you."

With that, she was gone.

It took three years of hate until finally, her father decided to step in. He kept putting us on missions together.

And not long after that, I finally acknowledged that horrible feeling in my chest when I was around her.

I couldn't deny it. 

I had fallen helplessly in love with my childhood friend (y/n) Novochrono.

End of Flashback

"I'll get you back to normal, (y/n). Just you wait." I vowed

(Lament) Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now