The beatiful man in my nightmares • 1

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"Oh, hi." I replied back nervously.

I looked back over him, now catching  him, staring at me. Unlike me, he continued to boldly hold eye contact making my knees shake a bit. My hands clenched around my items finding the silence unbearable.

"S-...So I have never seen you around this area before? Are you new to the city?"

"I'm everywhere, so no place is new to me ." He said

I glanced  noticing he was holding nothing in his hand. I can tell he noticed my analyzation of him. Surprisingly, he didn't say a word about it or falter his composure. It was like, he was waiting for me to say something.

"Can't sleep?" He stared at my face, more specifically, my eyebags. I dropped my head in embarrassment trying to hide them. He chuckled, "The eyebags don't bother me, I was talking about sleeping pills."

"Oh." I raised my head back up shaking the little box in my hand. "I really don't like sleeping pills, they always make me feel wonky when wake up. But it was the next best option."

"Though you know there is a unpleasant aftertaste, sometimes things are too hard to resist." He said. My mind went into pleasant daze when I stared into his eyes, "Am I right?"

A let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in. It was like, my breathing stopped but I didn't notice til now. I unclenched the sleeping pill that I was, damn near crushing

"Erm...yeah." I tried to calm down my breathing, "I get exactly what you mean."

"You seem winded, what's wrong?" He voice sounded somewhat amused by it

He pulled out a peice of gum using his tongue to grasp it in his mouth. He never broke eye contact with me and that smirk, never once, dropped from his face. I felt a sudden wave of lust come over me, like my self-control had been stolen away.

"M-my name's Vivian by the way." I finally said something within those few intense seconds

"Lucien." He cocked an eyebrow holding his hand out. I pushed my hand out to shake his but I got more than I bargained for. He bent his head down to peck my hand, slowly and seductively, with his soft lips.

I couldn't resist anymore. This man had to be sent my the succumbing king, himself. Rhetorically, ofcourse...but I'd soon figure I was wrong.

Vivian moaned out loud as her hips grinding into this random man's torso. Lucien smiled loving the sight of her crumbling on top of him. He flipped their positions around with ease. His strength made Vivian feel like a human rag doll in his arms.

He gained dominance.

He entrapped her body inbetween his arms looking at her with dark eyes. His lean but strong figure towered over her. He smirked pleasantly seeing how impatient and frustrated she was getting. He connected his soft lips with hers making her body heat up.

As soft as his lips were, the kiss was anything but soft and sweet. His surprisingly long tongue traveled around her mouth. As if his tongue were searching for treasure that needed to be found.

Vivian exclaimed against his lips feeling his tongue enter her throat. She beggingly tried to push his hips back into her but he pinned her hands. She didn't even try to wriggle out of his hold.

Interracial stories (under editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang