Desire To Survive

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The emperor loved his wife dearly, and the moment the news of her pregnancy reached his ears, he rejoiced in happiness. A family of his own, an heir to the throne.

"What do you wish our child to be like?" He asked one evening, lying in bed next to the empress.

"I only wish for it to be healthy." She replied, caressing her belly.

"Healthy? I wish for my son to be strong! A warrior like his father!" The emperor boasted, flexing his muscles in pride. "And if we should have a daughter, she shall be as beautiful as her mother!"

But the empress did not share his enthusiasm, and every day during their conversations about names and wishes for their child, she grew quieter and quieter. This behavior did not go unnoticed by the emperor, and soon he had enough.

"My love, what troubles your heart? You are so silent these days, something is clearly weighing on your mind! Please tell me what it is!"

"My husband...I fear for the child's life..." She finally admitted, tears dwelling up in her eyes. "Remember the curse that fell on our family, I am afraid that this child will pay the consequences."

"Nonsense! My blood is strong, it will carry our child through! And even if...should we lose it, we can always try again! As long as there is still hope, we cannot give up!"

But the empress would not listen to his words of encouragement, and every passing week, she grew more silent, until the birth was drawing near. What would become of her child?! Would it live, or die in its first moments?

When the fateful day arrived, the emperor paced through the halls, awaiting news from the imperial physician, who assisted the empress during her labor. Hours passed, and nothing could calm down the emperor's restless spirit. Only when the physician finally emerged from the chambers, he dared to breathe again, rushing towards him.

"How is the empress?"

With a sad voice, the doctor responded. "The empress could not survive, she died while giving birth to the baby, and the child is the embodiment of misfortunes."

Hearing these words, the emperor sank to his knees, letting out an agonizing cry. His beloved empress was gone, and he was left alone with his grief and a son, which doomed to bring bad luck upon everyone around it. But despite the misfortunes that already befell him and his child, the emperor refused to abandon him, taking care of him himself.

As the emperor looked at his newborn child, he noticed how weak and sickly it was, barely moving at all. He knew that this child would not last long either.

He ordered his servants to prepare a funeral for his beloved empress, while he stayed alone with the child. With heavy steps, he walked out into the garden, towards the lake where the lotus flowers bloomed.

"I will give you a name, even if your life hangs by a thread." He caressed the baby's face. "From today on, your name will be Guren."

Like a miracle, despite being so weak, the boy managed to survive, becoming an energetic and healthy child. Day after day the emperor watched over his son, teaching him everything he needed to know to become a good ruler once he came of age. And when his son grew into a handsome young man, the emperor decided to look for a bride for him, hoping that this way, his son might break free of his curse. However, the emperor forgot all this, when a new woman appeared in his life, he married her and had another child, a boy.

He no longer needed his first son, it was time to let go of the child who only brought misery to his once peaceful life. But he couldn't just make him disappear from the palace, there was another way to get rid of the devil's child. The black lily that resides deep in the forest could grant a wish to those who offers a sacrifice. So, to bring peace to his people, the emperor took his son out of the palace and guided him through the dangerous forest.

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