The Road to Zora's Domain

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Image Credit To: Zelda

A winged creature swooped down towards Trevor. Trevor's body stiffened as he closed his eyes.

His heart pounded as the presence crept closer. He thought of how he needed to beg for his life.

This is it, he thought. I'm never going to go home. Why me? Why...?

"I didn't think myself to be so frightening."

Trevor paused. His fear left him at the sound of the familiar, wise voice.

He heard a soft ruffle of feathers. A brief, peaceful hoot.

"Then again—"

Kaepora Gaebora the owl calmly perched himself on the grass, observing a startled Trevor with keen blue eyes. He gave his wide wings one last flap before tucking them against his sides.

"Maybe," said Kaepora, "I'm not anyone you will ever be used to, Trevor Berenson."

Trevor's heart drummed for another couple more beats before slowing. He sighed and slouched against the fence again, as if he lost all his energy.

"You can't do that!" he said. "That freaked me out!"

"I apologize for startling you."

Kaepora turned his head upside down. His eyes and forehead were where his ruffled chin should have been and vice versa.

Trevor's gut flipped. The owl made nothing better, but Trevor didn't say anything.

"You're alone out here," said Kaepora. "I wouldn't suggest making a habit of it."

Trevor glowered out towards Hyrule Field. "Whatever," he muttered. "Fine."

"You're in low spirits, Trevor. And a bit out of yourself. Is there a reason for this, young man?"

"I...don't want to talk about it."

Kaepora turned his right side up, much to Trevor's relief, and hopped closer to him. Instead of making eye contact with the boy, the large owl gazed out at the countryside as well.

"Would I be right in guessing," Kaepora said, "That you feel...lost?"

"Well," said Trevor. "This isn't my hometown. It's a completely different place. I'm wearing different clothes and I've been here for a week or so. Actually, I don't even remember how many days I've spent here!" Trevor threw his arms up in the air, finally able to show his full frustration. " Mom and Dad are probably worried to death, I had so much left to do back home and—"

Kaepora closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He hooted softly before rustling his feathers with his beak.

"It's difficult being in a strange land, isn't it?" said Kaepora.

"Yeah, it is. And having no way to get back is..."

"Even worse? Do you really find Hyrule difficult to embrace?" Kaepora kept his eyes on the land. "For...all my lifetime, I've seen Hyrule change. Its people have been at war and at peace. I've seen children at birth. I've seen boys and girls, like you, growing into men and women with families of their own. They live their lives before their hair turns grey from age...I've seen plenty of lives end as well. Of the many experiences I've witnessed in this realm, one truth prevails: Hyrule is their home and for the rest of the world around it, this nation is a beacon. It's the center of existence for reasons that even I am still discovering to this very day."

Kaepora finally turned to face Trevor. The wisdom in his eyes was stronger than ever.

"Hyrule represents good. There is a reason we must protect it. It is wonderful when you look at Hyrule's beauty and understand it. Look around. Isn't Hyrule beautiful, Trevor?"

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