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There was a bang on the door

Dave opens the hotel door and...

The hotel security had Dave mom

What the hell she do that quick

Security- Mr. and Mrs. East we found this lady trying to steal from our register downstairs she told us she was with you before we call the cops can you confirm that

Dave- yeah she with me thank y'all for bringing her up first

Security- no problem Mr. East

She walked in and sat on the couch

Dave- we about to head back to Cali right now so this won't keep happening he left to go pack our stuff

Janet- I'm not going anywhere

Me- listen to me and listen good that man back there the one you and Dee have no hand in making the man he is today I love him with everything in me all the way down in my soul so the least you can do is try because he may mean a little to you but he means everything to me and our kids try because he is a selfless man a loving supportive father an amazing husband and a remarkable son he would do anything for the parents that did nothing for him he would give his last to a stranger that's the boy you pushed out and stayed clean the nine months you carried him try for that boy because I want everything behind him he is one of a kind and he dropped everything once he finally found out who you were that place that you at right now the place I'm taking you that place when you saw his face for the first time and heard his cry or felt him move inside you that place stay there and push through and try for him because even with no connection or relationship no recollection he still tries for you no matter what he wanted to find you and he did so try I know you have a drug problem but that can be fixed I promise, he matter of fact we because me and that man is one we not gone stop until it's fix so do us all a favor and try

By now she had tears coming out of her eyes I had to let it out because I am his wife I am supposed to be his protector just as he is for me and whatever I can do to protect that man heart and feelings I am going to do no matter what I'm not a disrespectful person but I need her to do this for him because he will always blame himself if she don't and I can't let him live like that I need him his best self for those babies and I'm gone make sure he is

Dave- baby you ready

Me- yes babe waiting on you

Surprisingly Janet got right up and came with us out the door

He opens the back door for her and closed it and placed our bags in the trunk

He came over to my side

Dave- I fucking love you and whatever it takes for me to make sure you always know that I promise I'm gone do it I can't even explain it but you everything mamas fr

Me- I fucking love you too baby and that's on life, you don't even have to do much to show me because I see it all over you when I look at you I see it

Dave- girl, don't get pregnant again

Me- I'm thinking about it

Dave- lol you gassing me

Me- I'm not

He smirked at me and we got in the driver pulled off to the PJ

Janet- I'll try I'm not making any promises but I'll try

Dave- that works for me

This was going to work, for a living, my mom helps people get off drugs she is hard but effective and if no one else can do it I know she will. She has a facility and people do check out sometimes because legally you can't make them stay but they always end up coming back so that's step one getting her to my mom

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