I miss you

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Ki POV!!!

Text mode

Me- stop acting like you don't see my fucking calls, Christopher. I will do a pull up my nigga.

Chris- chill the fuck out. I am busy just like you were all last week.

Text mode over

He is so difficult, been on his bully with me this whole week just because I'm not ready for a relationship just yet. He knows I love him fr and I don't want any other nigga

Whatever I'm going over there

I got dressed and made my way to Chris house since I checked his location and seen that's where he is

I got dressed and made my way to Chris house since I checked his location and seen that's where he is

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I made it over there and Bully, and East car was parked outside

I used my key and went to the game room since I knew that's where they would be

I walked in and Brandy came to hug me

Brandy- Babyy!!! Looking good as shit

Me- hey baby and thank you

Chris looked over at me he was on sticks but I didn't care

Dave- wassup sis

Ki- hey East

Bully- wassup slime

Ki- wassup slime

That's something Bully and I have always called each other

I walked up to Chris standing in front of him

Me- can we talk my guy

Chris- I know you see me playing the game right

Me- and I don't care I asked nicely it's not gone be nice a second time

Chris- man I'm playing the game

Dave- you losing anyway

Brandy and Bully was laughing

Me- just come talk to me in yo room

Chris- Tia and Kairi in there sleep come to the guess room

Dave- don't be too loud my babies sleep

Chris threw something at Dave

We walked in and he closed and locked the door

He sat halfway on the low dresser

I walked and stood in front of him

Chris- what Ki and why you got this shit on, showing my shit

Me- well you haven't been acting like this yo shit lately

Chris- that's you this always gone be mine he said tugging on my dress and licking his lips turning me on

Me- you know this yours you been in yo bag lately

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