In the midst

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Tia pov

Me- okay if the shipments not right send them bitches back come on now Tiff

I was currently yelling at my receptionist because she got all my orders wrong this week

Tiff- I'm sorry, boss lady

Me- get the shit right

I walked back to my office I could use a major drink right now I'm stressed out with having to take care of a little one, Dave baby mother, my grandma not to found of me right now cause we haven't been talking, and Dave doing all these shows and now stuff at my shop not being right like what the fuck

I called my grandma Mae


Me- I'm Sorry grandma been a little busy

Her- yeah I know you need to give your body a rest I know it's tough but you gone have enough stressing to do when you have that baby right now just relax

Me- I'm trying it's easier said than down

Her- how you know that when you haven't even tried child

Me- I will soon as everything is taken care of

Her- hire an assistant baby

Me- then I'm gone have to set up interviews

Her- child just do it than the rest will follow and get some praying going on

Me- I do every night grandma

Her- do it during things, girl

Me- okay I will how are you

Her- blessed and highly favored

Me- that's good I love you

Her- I love you too, talk to you later

Me- you didn't even ask about Dave

Her- I talk to him earlier, child

Me- oh- okay bye grandma

Her- by baby

Call ended

Now I felt even worse since Dave has talked to my grandma, and I haven't

Incoming facetime baby

The phone connected

The phone connected

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Dave- wassup baby

Dave- wassup baby

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