Chapter Four

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The rest of the weekend was relaxing, mostly because Madison went out to lunch and shopping with Candi most of the day on Sunday. I was able to get some peace and quiet in the apartment for a change. It's also great to be back on daylight shift again and back on the psych unit. I love the experience of the ER, but there's a lot more time for in-depth evaluations and assessment up here. Plus, you're getting a chance to really work with individuals one on one and get to know them more. I spend the first hour in the morning with Dr. Charleson, meeting with him to let him know how my on-call time went in the ER the other night as well as discuss the folks that were admitted to the unit from those consults. The Monday morning check-in routine. After that, I jump into the routine of the day. I complete two psychiatric evaluations in the morning and then have a treatment team meeting.

I sit down at my desk to finish dictating some of my notes from the evaluations when Robin, the unit administrative assistant comes in. She only opens my door halfway, sticking her head into the office to talk to me. "There's someone here to see you."

"Me?" I glance over my calendar, but don't see anything scheduled until another medication group later this afternoon. This was my time to deal with whatever comes up on the unit and take care of the dictations from earlier.

Robin is almost mumbling, "he's a very good-looking man, Dr. Wesleyann."

"You have got to be kidding me." I rub my temples, feeling the surge of a headache coming on if this is who I think it is.

"I didn't let him into the wing since he said he was a personal visitor, but he's in the outer corridor now."

I thank Robin, grab my keys and lock the office behind me. I head down the hallway, past the nurses' station and unlock the doors of the wing, going into the hallway. I unlock the outer doors, leading me to the corridor. I'm nearly stomping the entire walk. Devon stands there, looking well put together, like I imagine he always does, which only causes another surge of anger.

Once I'm in front of him, he inspects my appearance before letting out a breathy laugh. He steps towards me and puts his fingers on the badge hanging from the left breast pocket of my light blue scrubs with my picture and credentials. His thumb traces over the picture of my face. His index and middle finger are gripping the back of the badge and just barely grazing my chest. "I'll be damned."

I roll my eyes and ask, "what are you doing here?"

"Realizing that I am not calling your bluff like I thought I would be."

"So, you just thought that after how you behaved on Saturday night, showing up here to my work was the right thing to do?" I fold my arms across my chest, brushing his hand away from the badge. "Do you need an intake completed? We have beds available." I point my thumb in the direction of the unit.

"Will you be in that bed with me?"

"Not what I meant, and you know it. We have a few openings because surely you are in need of professional psychiatric help to think that this was the right idea."

He touches his fingertips to his brow. "Are you always this difficult?"

"Yes. Are you always this egotistical?"

"Just about. I don't understand the problem here."

"Allow me to enlighten you then. You spent the few minutes that we were together staring at my chest, belittling me as if I was making up what I do for a living and assuming that I was going to jump into bed with you."

"I apologize. I was clearly wrong." He holds his hand sup in a surrender motion.

"Clearly. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do and I'm assuming that you do as well. Wouldn't want you to lose your big, fancy promotion as soon as you get it."

"Let me take you to dinner."

I scoff, "give me one good reason and I'll consider it."

"So that I can show you I'm not a total asshole. I want to make this right."

I roll my eyes again and unlock the door, closing the door behind me without looking back at Devon. I get back to work and realize that I'm pounding on my keys in frustration, so I take a minute to close my eyes and breathe, settling myself down. Inhale for a four count. Hold it for a seven count. Exhale the breath for an eight count. Focus and breathe. I know Devon is attractive, but that doesn't give him license to act as though he were superior to me. At least he apologized. I try to put him out of my mind and focus on work. Try being the key word.

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