- Chapter fourteen Part II -

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Part 2

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Part 2

After Rolanda told Mathilde of Albus' plan the sales associate gave Poppy a wink and whispered something to Rolanda. The witch giggled with excitement about the idea of the sales associate. Minerva and Poppy both twirled around, and the taller witch asked

"What has gotten into you Ro?"

"Ehhhrm... Nothing?" she walked up to her friends and pretend as if she was looking at the rings that were displayed on the counter.

"Excuse me for a moment, ladies. I will be back with you in a second." Mathilde said and disappeared behind a large door at the back of the first floor.

The three witches continued to look at the diamond rings with dreamy eyes.

As Minerva scanned through the sparkling jewelry one particular diamond ring catches her eyes.

"Wow, look at this beautiful ring." She told her friends as she leaned towards to get a closer look at that particular ring.

"Wow, indeed. Why don't you try it on?" Poppy said

"No, I don't think- "Minerva was cut midsentence.

"My apology but today a couple, who has made an appointment to choosing an engagement ring just called and canceled," Matilde said as she walked to stand behind the counter. "Ah, I see you have found a ring. Do you wish to try it on?" The sales associate asked.

Minerva looked at Poppy with wide eyes and then to Rolanda, not sure what to say.

"Well... uh no... The thing is- "She started but then was cut off by Rolanda.

"Come on Min, trying this on won't hurt."

Minerva gave Mathilde a weak smile. Part of her really wishes to try on the most perfect ring she has ever seen but the other part was telling her 'Why to try on something that is not going to happen anytime soon?'. She and Albus haven't discussed their future together yet.

"I have an idea since the appointment with the other couple is canceled but we already prepared the room, I suggest we go in there, have a glass of champagne, and try on diamond rings," Mathilde said and wink at Rolanda and Poppy while Minerva's attention was on the rings displayed in the showcase.

"That's a fantastic idea! Minerva, what do you say?" Rolanda asked

"Well... All right, but I would like to have a cup of tea please because I am still nursing my baby girl and I have to feed her soon."

"Ah yes, of course, no problem." Mathilde showed them the way to the appointment room.

Behind the large door was a huge room. It looks almost like some luxury living room except there were showcases with high jewelry standing by the wall. There was a coffee table with Tiffany colored cake stands and dessert plates on it.

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