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Name: Mute(Female)
Description: Stealth Ninja
Type: Attacker
Passive: Hearing Aid- Enemy footsteps are easier to hear
Tactical: Tiptoe- Silence your footsteps
(5 sec duration)
(15 sec cooldown)
Ultimate: Sneak Attack- Lower your weapon's firing sound for a short period of time
(15 sec duration)
(90 sec build up)

Name: Slayer(Male)
Description: Darkness Assassin
Type: Attacker
Passive: Deadly Training- Can run on walls.
Tactical: Shadow Bomb- Throw a smoke bomb that momentarily camouflages you.
(30 sec cooldown)
(3 sec camo)
Ultimate: Shadow Strike- Focus in on your opponent before flying to them and striking with your Sickle.
(3 sec focus time)
(180 sec build up)
(75 damage)

Name: Fu(Female)
Description: Poison Acupuncturist
Type: Attacker
Passive: Thread The Needle- Melee attacks poision opponent until they remove the needle.
(2 damage/sec)
Tactical: Needle Gernade- Toss out your canister of needles, causing it to explode and poision opponents until they're removed.
(20 sec cooldown)
(4 damage/ sec)
Ultimate: Paralysis- Throw a needle that temporarily stops your opponent from moving.
(90 sec build up)
(10 sec knockdown)

Name: Jugo(Male)
Description: Futuristic Solider
Type: Attacker
Passive: Aggression- Melee attacks are faster
Tactical: Impulse Gernade- Fire a impulse gernade that can be use to launch enemies or yourself.
(10 sec cooldown)
Ultimate: Cybernetic Overdrive- Charge up and release a plasma burst that weakens shields, causing it to slowly lose HP and make it impossible to charge.
(180 build up)
(5 shield hp/sec)
(15 sec duration)

Name: Blaze(Female)
Description: Crazed Pyromancer
Type: Attacker
Passive: Flamethrower Attachment- Assault rifles gains a flamethrower attachment.
Tactical: Flamethrower- Switch to the flamethrower attachment.
(No cooldown)
(5 damage+ 3 damage per sec on fire)
(Flames last 5 sec)
Ultimate: Heatwave- Create a heat wave that damages and disorient enemies while also destroying equipment.
(60 sec build up)
(50 shield damage/75 Base damage)

Name: Lashes(Female)
Description: Laser Engineer
Type: Attacker
Passive: Obliterator 3000- Your obliterator allows you to use your tactical with the cost of meter. Can be charged using shield cells, shield
Tactical: Laser Beam- Fire off a a laser beam that deal damage while charging and hits with big damage.
(No cool down)
(3-5 sec charge is required)
(2 damage/ sec while charging)
(15 damage when hit)
Ultimate: Laser Burn- Release multiple lasers that track and burns nearby opponents over time.
(10 sec duration)
(60 sec build up)
(5 damage/sec)

Name: Rewind(Male)
Description: Time Manipulator
Type: Attacker
Passive: Time Retreat- Rewind back 5 secs when low on health.
(120 sec cooldown)
Tactical: Time Stamp- Leave a time mark on the first use. Press again to travel back to the mark.
(30 sec cooldown)
(Health and shield return to what it was)
(Mark last 15 secs)
Ultimate: Full Rewind- Rewind you and your team health and shield back to what it was 30 seconds ago.
(150 sec build up)
(Doesn't work if health/shield were lower)

Name: Zentaya (Female)
Description: Magic Enthusiast
Type: Attacker
Passive: Levitation- Float above the ground, making no noise while moving.
Tactical: Vanish- Disappear into a flock of doves that you control.
(5 sec duration)
(15 sec cooldown)
Ultimate: Optical Illusion - Create a dome around you that enemies can't see inside but that you can out of.
(10 sec duration)
(90 sec cooldown)

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