Part IV: The glory and grief.

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The most awaited time had come when Lemuel's team faced off against a formidable opponent. Early in the game, our team had good chances on goal but the opponent's goalkeeper had intercepted our attempts but in spite of the pressure, our team remained upbeat about what looms. In the beginning, everyone was unstable because of the foe's strong successive attempts for a goal. Our team did not succumb to pressure and instead managed a strong counterattack to figure out a way for a first goal.

On the second half, was an equally shared strength between the two teams. Both teams have to run back and forth trying to grab a chance for a goal. As the game reached the 55th minute mark, Lemuel got face to face with the goalkeeper, he first observed a clear shot, when closed enough, then he used the technique to chip the ball over the keeper and scored a goal.

Overall, the team's effort got through and took the opportunity to win that game with a final score of 2-0. I congratulated the team members. We still have a long way; I hope the grit spirit you showed will go all the way to international competition. In celebration of our winning, I arranged for a full-throttle party, I just want to see a big smile on their face. I hosted a cookout party at our favorite hangout park to run around and jump for joy, some brought food enough to share with the team. Everyone was eager to blow the first candle of victory in our first celebratory cake. Each player honored each other by lifting each member in unison, and then tossed him high into the air, and shouted for joy. Moreover, before we parted ways, each had posed a picture with me. That night, we felt we were one big family; it was nothing short of magical, the nearby falls at the park vaporized a fine mist, which reminded me of the first day I met Lemuel, been called the "children of the mist."

How wrong for people would say that a child raised in a disarray environment would justify his/her misfortune in life, but Lemuel proved them wrong, as he trained hard and continued his study. He made many nights into a lively session, spending time reading and writing. For Lemuel, it was not enough just to believe, it was also behaving to be good for that special night in building his future a special contour.

In taking action every way we can, God is overlooking our journey and always flipping through the journal of our life, weighing them with perfect composure. Some are saying that the righteous and the merciful are said to perish early and the wicked to live long. Although that belief appears with no justification, the reason why that happens is that He wants to protect the righteous from falling to doing evil things. While the wicked one to live long, and given a chance to repent of their sins, to pray more and able to share the gospel for their salvation. As some would feel worthy, some would feel puzzled of God's patience extended on us.

While on that evening, the mist was gathering slowly near the shores. Lemuel had stood outside the school to wait for my arrival as I always did since the first day of his night schooling. On my way to fetch him up, I returned to the house for I forgot to bring the book which I would bring to Lemuel as a gift, it took me long to find where I have put it. Lemuel might have become little impatient of his waiting that he decided to leave and walk home. Along the way in a narrow street, he encountered the group of what they called "children of the mist," looking for someone to victimize and diverted their attention to Lemuel annoying and pushing him which caused anger to Lemuel. Lemuel fought back, while being hit by a large cobblestone to the head, and been stabbed in his chest. When I arrived at the school's waiting shed, I found no Lemuel; I searched around the vicinity, walked farther into the cobblestone road, and beneath the only street lamppost, I found him lying on the ground who labored for his breathing, and at no time, I hurriedly rushed him to a nearby hospital. The hospital did everything to revive Lemuel but his wounds were severe that caused his immediate death. Lemuel seemed at peace when I touched his face. At anytime from anywhere, we might all fall prey to catastrophic events. For I can no longer control my emotions, I just burst into tears that displeased and blamed myself for the sad tragedy. My heart screamed in pain and in silence because the absence of communication was not a usual thing between Lemuel and me. I left and walked outside at the sheen of haze. I arranged for his funeral and burial site which all of his team attended with deep sorrow. In the eulogy, my words were comprised of three storylines. I started with his struggles. The secondary storylines remembered his challenges, and the last tale had to tread carefully around his feelings over success. After the wake, his body rested to his final burial place.

The next morning, I went to the football registrar's office, I collected all his things inside his locker and found our selfie picture. I took it and have posted it in the bulletin board as what I have promised seeing his picture along with the pioneers. As I was leaving the office, someone played the Beatles song "In My Life," which was Lemuel's favorite song. I walked on the trail of that song, and all about Lemuel. The lyrics of the song were so powerful, which left me a feeling of belongingness.

The song slowly faded out as I walked away from the place. I returned to Lemuel's graveyard, soon the sun had grown weaker, means another day soon to complete and it started to get misty again associated with fog. I could somehow see a vision from the mist that suspended in the air while the fog converged, it was difficult to discern but I knew there was someone out there in the gloomy fog.


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