Episode 8 (Finale): The Final Races

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Nitros Oxide: So, you managed to beat the Sub Zero tracks?

Leonard: Yes, and we challenge you to a race, it's a winner take all.

Nitros Oxide: Bring it on!

Red: I'm ready for this! And we should play your boss music.

3, 2, 1, Go!

Red and Nitros Oxide were heading to the finish line.

Nitros Oxide: Here's a little surprise!

Red: Nitro crates, of course.

Crunch: Use the blue engine!

Red: Boost and blue engine boost!

Red's anger boost and the blue engine boost combined to zip past Nitros Oxide and Red won the race.

Red: Yes, I won the race!

Nitros Oxide: I want a rematch!

Leonard: I'll take him on!

3, 2, 1, Go!

Leonard and Nitros Oxide were heading to the finish line.

Nitros Oxide: Here's a little surprise!

Leonard: Balloons!

Nitros Oxide used the Velo Mask.

Leonard: Drive faster! He's got a Velo Mask!

Nitros Oxide: Survival of the fastest!

Nitros Oxide was currently in the lead.

Terence: I have no choice but to use two items. One: The Warp Orb.

Terence threw the Warp Orb at Nitros Oxide.

Nitros Oxide: No!

The Warp Orb hit Nitros Oxide.

Terence: Two: The Blue Shell (from the Mario Kart franchise)!

The Blue Shell hit Nitros Oxide.

Nitros Oxide: Ouch!

Crunch: The finish line is wide open, you fool!

Leonard won the race.

Leonard: Yes, I win!

Chuck: Did Crash really eat a butterfly?

Coco: You could say that.

Red: It's been fun racing with you!

The End

Thanks for reading this story and have a great day folks!

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