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Its been one year since Naruto joined the anbu but the work he has done was not what new anbu would do on all of his missions where completed as quick as possible and most of them where solo he had been assigned a team but he only goes with them only when ordered to do so and has been identified as shadow fox and trained in areas he lacked and also trained in his elemental justu and is working on his way to master all the nature transformation but him main ones are wind and fire which he has mustered to the point of mixing them together and creating what he calls HELL FIRE

now Naruto id standing in front of the hokage " mission request hokage-sama" says shadow fox identified his fox mask and unique attire instead of the normal anbu clothing [ check the cover but black with the mask on top also black ]

the hokage sighs and looks at her son with pain in her eyes " well since you finished the rest of the mission that require ninja at your level so mission request denied you have to go and rest " as she says that Naruto frowns a bit under his mask that's when he jumps to the ceiling and starts guarding his hokage/mother

' I tell him to rest and he takes up guarding me well at least he still doesn't listen to me ' thinks the fifth hokage letting out a sigh she was brought from her thoughts by knock on the door " enter " after she says that sakura and ino enter though the door " good day tsunade-sama" greet best friends " yo tsunade-hime" say the toad sage at the window

But before anyone could react Jiraya is pulled from the window and slammed of the wall by an anbu holding a knife tha came from the gauntlet on his wrist against the sannins throat " ow my apologies jiraya-sama" says shadow kistune before jumping back to the shadows " who was that " asked Jiraya a little uneasy about what just transpired

" well Jiraya that was my latest addition to the anbu black ops goes by the code name shadow kistune and is the strongest anbu I have but enough of that what are you doing here and where is Naruto ?" says/asks tsunade with a slight smirk in his face and Jiraya " after we left for the training trip I started training Naruto on the kyuubis chakra but after six months

"PERVYSAGE can you train me in something else " asks Naruto " well gaki we have to get you used to the demons chakra before we can do anything else but also you can work on you chakra control and taijustu because those are your weakest sports " replies jiraya

" but your not telling me how to do those thing and you are not helping with the either " protests Naruto " yeah sure just work on them ok I have to do some research " says Jiraya pervetedly " OW CAME ON EROSANIN CAN YOU FOCUSE AND TRAIN ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR MISIRABLE LIFE " yells Naruto but jiraya was gone


and when I arrived he was gone I tried to such for him in the past 2 years but he was no where to be seen " says jiraya whilst looking down in shame " and you didn't think to inform me that he left " says tsunade calmly and the two girls on the side are still shocked that their friend went missing

" your lucky that I found out his whereabouts and has been in the village for a year now " says the fifth hokage with a smirk on her face growing " WHAT AND WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME ?" yells jiraya but quickly regretted is as the killer intent of the hokage started to rise " you didn't tell me that he left you in the first place and now your yelling at me that I didn't tell you that he returned " says the hokage her voice didn't rise even a little

Jiraya was still to angry as he started walking to the door " and where are you going ?" "to see godson as he was about to exit " you wont find him " and why is that? " " simple he is in this very room kistune " she says as the anbu land next to jiraya " take off you mask " and he complies by starting to take off his hood reviling his 16 year old self with the most difference being his eyes and hair

His eyes where and icy blue that lacked emotion and his hair reaching his hid back tied in a ponytail "you called lady hokage

NARUTO  :  ASSASSIN ANBUWhere stories live. Discover now