Party (breif smut, part 1)

Start from the beginning

hinata was in a trance. his eyes automatically followed kageyama as he jumped to set the ball. his form was perfect. 'has he always looked this good?'

"come on, hinata! you got this!" a shout rang across the gym. almost on instinct, his feet pulled him forward. before he realized what he was jumping at, he was high in the air with his hand pulled back.


the sound echoed off the walls.

"...well, shit!" kageyama managed to blurt out into the silence. the entire team had stopped what they were doing and looked at shouyou.

"damn, kid." tanaka gaped. "how long have you been holding out on us?"

hinata looked around with a confused expression. "what?"

sugawara leaned on the wall by the benches, previously in conversation with daichi. "that was the most power you've ever put into a spike," he chimed in and took a sip from his water bottle.

"oh..." hinata stared down at his hand. it was red and it stung from the impact. 'feels good.' he looked up at kageyama, confused and hoping his setter could offer some insight.

kageyama was in shock. 'okay, okay. hold on. so first he's terrible and can't play for shit, and now he's making his strongest spike yet?'

before he could get a word out, the spiker seemed to realize something. hinata dropped his head and walked off the court.

'i was so focused on him. so completely absorbed that when he spoke, my body moved without me knowing why.'

he sat on the bench for the rest of practice, staring into space and occasionally at his setter. whenever he caught himself, he closed his eyes and scolded himself. 'that stupid dream just has me all confused!' he tried to convince himself, but he knew better.

after morning practice, hinata got dressed with the rest of the team. managing to refrain from looking at kageyama's shirtless body most of the time, he finished dressing and exclaimed his goodbyes. "see you guys in the afternoon!" he bolted out the door and ran into his classroom, sitting at the desk where some of his friends were gathered.

their teacher came in the room, and they all returned to their seats. she taught the lesson as normal, but all of those words went in one ear and straight out the other. noticing that he wasn't paying attention, the teacher called on him. he stuttered our a random response and was scolded for zoning out.

at lunch, he sat with his friends from homeroom. usually he would sit by kageyama, but he would rather stay away from the absurdly handsome, beautiful- "no!" he slammed his head on the table.

"...are you okay, hinata?" on of his friends asked quietly. "you never miss anything in class, but today you were completely spacing out. plus, you just hit your head on table." he took a long sip of his drink. "you're gonna bruise."

with a slight blush, hinata waved his hands defensively. "o-oh, i was- i just had something on my mind..." he trailed off in a nervous chuckle, eating his food.

his friend leaned forward, intrigued. "oh? is it a girl? you got a crush?"

he choked on his food and spit it out. "ryuto! are you trying to kill me?!" hinata looked away, hoping ryu would just laugh and drop the subject.

instead, he got closer. "who is it?"

"don't worry about it."

"is she cute?"

after some hesitation and a glance at kageyama, he replied. "very."

he kept getting bombarded with questions from multiple people, but all he would do is dote on kageyama without saying anything revealing who it might be. in the middle of answering one of the questions, kageyama walked up silently and listened in.

finally, interrupting the spiker, he asked. "what are you talking about?"

ryuto looked up at kageyama, playfulness tinting his gaze. "we're asking hinata about-"


they both turned to look at hinata, who had interrupted ryu. "what?" kageyama looked at him, suspicious.

hinata smiled at him. "it was just a stupid inside joke, nothing important." he stood up and grabbed his tray, ready to make his escape.

brushing off his momentary confusion. ryu stood up. "hey, hinata!" he called out to him. "i'm throwing a party tonight, invite the team!"

hinata smiled and looked back at him. "okay! i'll let you know who's going!" with that, he left. ryu could have sworn his ears were red.

oki, sorry for the short chapter! this lil story is gonna have about 2-3 parts if i decide to keep them all about this length. otherwise 2(?)parts i really don't know.

there's also a chance i might go back and make small edits, but i'll definitely go through and correct my mistakes soon.

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