Act 2: Mauniverse town

Start from the beginning

Passive abilities

Critical Dex boost
When encounting enemies which are stronger in attack power, Dexterity will increase to up to 50000% according to attack power difference until the end of battle phase.

Extreme sharp sight
Able to see anything clearly which is 25Km away without anything block the view.

Enchanted body stats
Gain additional 30 stats points available to allocate for each level up

Experience leecher
Able to gain the same amount of exp that any allies that is maximum 25m radius apart.

No Active skills

Firefang Armored wolf
Level 15 monster type
A fire elemental wolf armored with hard Armor but it speed doesn't lose to any type of wolves.
Monster stats
1275 P-ATK
1275 M-ATK
1000 P-DEF
1000 M-DEF
575% SPD
575% ATK-SPD

Supercharged Firefang Armored wolf
Level 20 monster type
A fire elemental wolf armored with hard Armor but it speed doesn't lose to any type of wolves.
Monster stats
1475 P-ATK
1475 M-ATK
1500 P-DEF
1500 M-DEF
625% SPD
625% ATK-SPD

Ultimate blaze Firefang Armored wolf
Level 30 boss monster type
A fire elemental wolf armored with hard Armor but it speed doesn't lose to any type of wolves.
Monster stats
2275 P-ATK
2275 M-ATK
2500 P-DEF
2500 M-DEF
675% SPD
675% ATK-SPD

Sakura continues to find the way out of the forest to the closest town to know more information, after storing all the dead Firefang armored wolves in her dimensional storage. She hears Eriko's loud scream, she rushes in great speed while armed with twin dragon supreme blasters and shooting the wolves to anger the wolves to attack her instead.

4 firefang armored wolves, 2 supercharged firefang armored wolves and 1 ultimate blaze firefang armored wolf charge towards Sakura, as Sakura continues to shoot them with her violet dragonic supreme blaster charged with ice elemental and her black dragonic supreme blaster, greatly reduce the DEX of the wolves as well as breaking the defense of the wolves while dodging elegantly with her boobs bounce and panties being shown like she is dancing gracefully while shooting the wolves as the wolves trying to land their attacks on her but they fail miserably as they crashes on the ground, as Sakura dances elegantly with high speed and continuously shoots the wolves and it looks like the wolves has been trapped in her invisible elegant dance force field which prevent them to exit out of the her invisible elegance dance force field or even trying to attack the girl which is about 100m away from them.

3 minutes has passed, she manages to kill 4 firefang armored wolves, seriously injured 2 supercharged armored wolves, but she doesn't does much damage to the ultimate blaze firefang armored wolf and she didn't get any damage.

Sakura starts to use drago duplicator to summon Ultimate plasma-blaze firefang drago-armored wolf, which is an ulitimate blaze firefang armored wolf armored with violet and black plasma dragon scaled armor while there is a necklace appears on Sakura's neck. Sakura leaps on her violet and black dragon scale armored wolf, as her wolf starts attacking the opposing wolves and she is shooting the opposing wolves with her twin dragon blasters, within 30 seconds, the opposing wolves being defeated. Sakura has level up to U3 after gaining 28000 exp, Eriko level up to U12 after gaining 56000 exp and Ultimate plasma-blaze firefang drago-armored wolf gains 28000 exp.

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