KORE'S HIDDEN ARCHIVE II: The Unsung Musings of Suppressio Nocturna.

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When daubs of noir blanket the meadows of my vision, colours coalesce into a field of pure darkness. I am escorted into this darkness by you, my God. Underneath the inlets, the flora and fauna, here you reside. In veritable isolation and enmeshed horror. Spring has shuffled off the mortal coil, yet a flower blooms on these grounds that I tramp upon. It reeks the essence of fecundity, the essence of life. I tread. I linger. I follow. I see behind my being a trail of bloody crimson, and betwixt this gore a sequence of illuminating narcissus'. Then, I see you, my God. My manus oozes out the sharpest venom. I embosom the seed of vitality within my palms. Its orbs glimmering even in such tenebrosity, they examine me— they— they mock me! Albeit, I do not move. It is only then that I taste it. The last indulgence of nectar, the first savour of poison. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀

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