Chapter Thirty: Flickering Sparks Of Fire

Start from the beginning

Natsuki growled, clenching her fists tightly.

Sasha crossed her arms. "Face it. You're a nobody. Your real parents didn't want you, so they sent you back to where you belong, the streets. You're so worthless that no one even wanted to buy you."

"Shut it and leave!" Ace yelled. "Or I'll make you leave!"

"Aww, your little bodyguard is sticking up for you!" Sasha giggles. Not cute. "Isn't that nice? He's wasting his time trying to fix broken trash. Honestly, you four are just living mistakes!"

The group crackled in laughter. I didn't realize that I had stood up as well, along with everyone else at our table. Most of the cafeteria seemed to have known what was going on, and laughed or watched intensely.

The four boys came to our defence, yelling at the other group for us. But that's when I smelt it. Something burning. I knew the scent from a little kid. I glanced around to see fire on Natsuki's back, taking the form of.. Feathers? Wings?

Beside me, Sayori seemed to have noticed as well, as she quickly picked up her cup of water and threw it as the pinkette. The fire quickly burnt out, leaving a thin, slightly visible smoke line to dissolve into the air.

"Sayori! What the-"

"Ahh!" Sasha squealed. "I think some got on me!"

I glanced at her in confusion. Yuri was across from me and next to Natsuki, so Yuri would be the one getting the most water. None would've even touched her.

"Eeeehhh!" Patrisha backed away from our table. "I forgot that they're wild!"

The group ran away from our table, leaving silence. We all slowly sat back down, and Natsuki glanced at Sayori.

"What happened?" She asked.

Sayori smiles apologetically. "Sorry, I think you were growing-"

"We needed to calm you down!" I interrupted loudly, stopping Sayori from exposing our secret. "I guess it was in the moment. Sorry."

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked, his eyes on Natsuki.

"Yeah.." Natsuki sighed. "It's just water, it'll dry."

"Just ignore them." Adrien grumbled, annoyed.

"We try." I respond bitterly, sighing. That was a close call.

Oliver then inhales, glancing at me nervously. I look up at him with a curious gaze and he smiled sadly. "You four are orphans?" He asks.

I shuffle uncomfortably. "Yeah.. Kinda."

"Sorry to hear that." Oliver sympathized. Or was it pity?

"It's fine." Natsuki growled.

Sayori laughed quickly, trying to lift the now awkward aura around us. "So, class is going good then?"

Adrien caught in to her subtle change of topic and nodded. "Yeah, it's kinda fun."

Again, another meeting in Sayori's and I dorm room, but this time, Sayori and Natsuki were the ones sitting in the bed, while Yuri stood by the door and I subconsciously paced around the room.

"Natsuki, do you even know what happened back there?" I ask angrily.

Natsuki blinks. "What? Sasha somehow knows that we're orphans and Sayori splashed me with water?"

"Sorry about that, again." Sayori giggled and Natsuki scoffed.

"You know I can't stay mad at you forever," The pinkette grinned, and I watched as Sayori laughed as Natsuki ruffled her coral pink hair.

I swallowed the feeling of dread and strange tightness in my stomach, and sigh. Why am I feeling like that?

"That's because you were growing wings made out of fire!" I exclaimed, starring at the smaller girl who gasped.

"Really?!" She yelled, jumping up and onto the floor.

"Yes!" I growl. "Because of your anger, you nearly revealed our secret-"

"No way!" Natsuki yelled, interrupting me. "That is awesome! So cool! Did I actually?"

"Yeah!" Sayori laughed, clapping.

I sigh in frustration. Yuri walks up to me and smiles. "Let her have her fun for now," She whispers quietly.

I groan. "Look, this is the final straw." I warned, earning their attention. "Sasha is obviously messing with us, and because our powers come out when we feel strong emotions, we can't let her bug us!"

Natsuki grinned. "Well, isn't miss Monika a little hot headed herself?"

"Aww, Natsuki give her a break," Sayori giggled. "She's just worried about us!"

"I can take care of myself!" Natsuki jokes, skipping around me, overly excited before stopping in front of the door. "Night girls!" She exclaimed, trotting out.

"Obviously she can't." I grumble, crossing my arms as she pinkette disappears into her own dorm.

"I think we may be feeding a small growing ego." Yuri mentioned, rolling her eyes before walking to the door. "Have a good night you two."

"You as well." I wave, and Sayori chirped a goodbye. The tall maiden closed the door quietly, and I locked it, turning off the lights.

The darkness enveloped the dorm room as I made my way back to the bed, a heavy feeling in my stomach. One I didn't feel near Sayori or before. One that made me think someone had their eyes on me.

I shook it off, quickly making my way to Sayori. She resumed the same position as usual, and even though I felt warm and happy, proud because it was me who was now running my fingers through Sayori's hair and not Natsuki, the feeling never left.

Wait.. What am I doing?

I move my hands away from Sayori's hair, embarrassed. "Sorry."

"It's alright," Sayori yawned. "Good night Moni."

"Good night Sayori." I reply, and felt my eyes eagerly close, letting my mind rest for the night.

But when I re-opened them, the feeling of being watched never left. And I wasn't in a room anymore, but a black, empty, large void, floating in it along with the three girls.

I just didn't realize that you could be watching in reality, as well as in dreams.

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