6. The Birth of a Monster

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Chat Noir stopped to rest on a vacant balcony, his green eyes scouring the area for any sign of Marinette dark hair. He'd already searched half of Paris, everything from the subway, to her place, to Notre Dame and even their high school. But she hadn't been there and the longer he went without finding her the more anxious he became.

He could already hear Plagg's muffled protests in the back of his mind, moaning about hunger and warning him about the possibility of Ladybug finding him. But he needed to find Marinette. Hawk Moth's akumas were unpredictable and inconsistent. No one ever knew when another would show up to prey on a helpless victim. And the possibility of Marinette becoming one was just too high.

Chat Noir tightened his grip on his baton and snarled lowly.

Where the hell is she?

He raked his claws through his unruly hair and his gaze settled on a nearby bridge. Hardly anyone was on it, the weather taking a turn for the worst and another bout of dark clouds gathered overhead. It would rain soon, but one person wasn't moving at all.

His heart stopped.

It was too far from even Chat to see her clearly, but it was clear from her hunched shoulders and lowered head that she was still upset.

And all alone.

He wanted to rush to her side, to tell her that everything she'd heard was a lie. That he – Adrien – was on her side. But how would he do it? He wasn't supposed to know what had just happened between her and his father. Chat Noir wasn't supposed to have been there.

And even if he brushed it off, trying to comfort her without letting her know what he knew. She wouldn't believe him. She'd think his words were empty reassurances. Lies. Especially after where his last pep talk had gotten her.

Chat's ear twitched and he turned his head to the side, irritable. Purple wings caught his gaze and Chat's heart lurched. The akuma flapped effortlessly through the sky, gliding swiftly towards the Seine. And the person sitting there.

No. No, no, no!

Chat Noir turned back towards the bridge and her name flew from his lips, too soft and too far for her to hear. He sprang into action, his taut muscles forcing his body to move.


The akuma soared over him and Chat Noir pushed himself faster, leaping over cars and sprinting through the street to try and outrun it. But it wasn't working.

It would be pretty clawful of me to neglect a damsel such as yourself...

Do you know what it was like, waiting for a partner that never came? You left me alone, Chat! Where were you...?

He was close enough to see her clearly, the darkness of her eyes and the pale hue of her skin. He sprinted onto the bridge, his boots nearly sliding across the sidewalk. His heart raced and his hands itched to grab her. "Marinette!"

She stood up. "Chat?"

"Run!" he cried.


"Run, Marinette!" Chat Noir saw the realization in her eyes as she looked above him. He took it all in, from the way she backed up against the railing, to the way she shielded her face with her arms. The akuma fluttered before him and he leapt blindly.

His gloved hand brushed against its strong wings. Their rhythm pulsed through him like a second heartbeat and he closed his fist around it. His grip was tight, crushing the insect in his palm until he was sure it would never fly again.

A Monster in Paris︱A MariBlanc Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now