The reclamation pt1

Start from the beginning

"Pilots, Cutter will get here soon. Go and land in his docking bays." Trevor ordered.

"Yes sir." The pilots responded before taking off.

"Dragon what are we looking for?" Sapphire asked.

"A big research facility. Apparently there was one here under a man named Merlot. Because of him, the city was destroyed. But I saw a hidden report about a door that looked futuristic and could not be opened by any means. I believe that that door is forerunner and that it will lead us to a lift." Dragon said.

"Okay. I'll take point. Let's move troopers!" Trevor ordered. They were walking towards the big facility while encountering a few grimm packs. The only problem was the nevermores since they would fire their feathers and flee. But a pair of rockets silenced them with ease. They moved carefully towards the entrance of the building since the grimm looked like they avoided the building.

What they didn't see was a crackling faunus in the destroyed building. "Hehehe. Let's see if you UNSC are really immortals." The faunus than stepped into the light to reveal Tyrian cracking.

Soon the ODST's entered with their weapons at the ready. They saw skeletons all over the place and bullet holes. Older guns and broken weapons. Even bits of armor thrown about.

"Fuckin helll." A ODST sergeant said in a German accent.

"Looks like they fought with no retreat or cover." Sapphire said.

"Idiots." Another ODST muttered.

"It doesn't matter. Move out and look out for anything. We don't know if their are any grimm here." Trevor ordered.

"Yes sir." They all replied.

"Alright. Move out!" Trevor said as they moved forward. It took an hour before they found an elevator.

"This is the elevator that leads to the door." Dragon said.

"Alright. We go down in squads. Once down hold there until we are all down" Trevor said.

"Yes sir. First squad let's go!" A corporal said as he escorted Dragon. After 15 minutes it was just Trevor, Sapphire and 5 ODST's left waiting.

"Sir I." A private said.

"I know. You know we can see you behind that rubble." Trevor called out.

"Oh hehehe. So you can see me. Hehehe." The person crackled. They stepped out to show Tyrian. The insane scorpion who has a hard on for the silver eyed people and sticks his dick into crazy.

"It's seems like you followed us for awhile." Sapphire said.

"The queen has sent me to see if you really are immortal." The scorpion laughed.

"So it's a scorpion psycho verse a the best ODST's around." Trevor said.

"You're best will die for the queen." The scorpion Faunus crackled.

"When we kick your ass, tell your queen and her friends she is next." Sapphire said.

"Hahaha big words for those about to die." The faunus laughed. Soon grimm appeared behind the man and charged forwards. The ODST's poured enough fire into them to make it the Russian army attacking an army of MG42's. Sadly for Tyrian he could get close enough to kill them with all the fire.

"How many must we kill!" A ODST yelled.

"Until hell is full." Trevor yelled back.

"Another wave incoming!" Chan yelled.

"The elevator is here. Everyone get on!" Trevor yelled as they followed his order. Before the doors shut they all threw a grenade to fuck the grimm up. "Shit we aren't alone anymore."

The Arcs fleet of justiceWhere stories live. Discover now