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Jaune POV

Me and the marines climbed the base walls and took out the watchman as Trevor and his ODST's attacked the front gate. I saw a company of grunts run out of the nearby bunker towards the front gate and a paladin from a garage.

"Trevor you got a company of grunts with a paladin heading your way." I said over comms.

"Roger that. Me and the troopers and inside and causing mayhem." Trevor replied.

"Marines Let's go. We don't want the ODST's rubbing in our face that they took over the base." I said.

"Ooh rah!" They replied. We stormed the bunker stunning the grunts on how we got this far. Our bullets pierced their armor and aura and their dust rounds barely put a dent in the marines armor and nothing on mine. After 10 minutes we came to a big metal door.

"Trevor this is alpha leader." I said.

"This is bravo. Send traffic." Trevor replied.

"We came up to a large metal door. We will be entering. Is the outside under control?" I asked.

"Yeah. We have set up defenses Incase White fang reinforcements arrive." Trevor said.

"Roger. We are entering." I said. "Alpha out."

"Good luck Alpha. Bravo out." Trevor said.

Me and the marines blew a portion of the door off. I entered first with my gun drawn and the marines behind me. We saw humans and Faunus in cages that looked like they would ship animals or Grimm in. I also saw a metal door behind the cages with voices yelling behind it.

I motioned to the marines to the civilians then the door. They nodded as we told the people to be quiet as we got them out of the cages. I had 4 marines escort the 20 some odd people out and the rest of us to breach the door.

"Who are these guys!"

"I don't know just barricade the door!"

"Please Oum help us!"

I had a marine put a breach charge on the door. A few seconds later it blew up and we rushed in. A few grunts and the lieutenant fired at us. We took them down quickly and put those that surrendered in aura cuffs Dragon gave us.

We took them outside when we cleared the rest of the bunker and called for the pelicans. The ODST's captured 5 grunts as me and the marines captured 4. With the pelicans coming to pick us up I ordered some marines and ODST's to gather the dust here.

"Jaune shouldn't we blow it up. It's no use to us." Trevor said.

"Your right it is no use to us. But considering that there is a whole Faunus country here that people discriminate, I believe that we could help each other. They give us a small place for a base, and we give them our protection, citizenship, and the dust we capture." I replied.

"Ah that's smart." Trevor replied.

"Sir." A marine said running up to us. "Pelicans are 5 mikes out. But we have bullhead signatures 3 mikes out."

"How didn't we detect them earlier?" Trevor asked.

"Because they were below our radar. They appear to be a beacon bullhead." The marine said. I was shocked by this as Trevor and the marine looked at me with sorrowful expressions. "I'm sorry sir.

I shook my head. "It's fine marine you were doing your job. Tell the troopers to get everyone in the bunker and tell the pelicans to stay low."

"Yes sir." The marine said before spreading the news.

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