First contact

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Jaune's POV 3 months later.

It's been 3 months since the drop. Thankfully no one was injured or killed except for the Grimm, in high numbers. We set up the town into the side of a nearby mountain with the military base on the outskirts of the town. When everyone was taken out of cryo, they were told about my past and what the history of the planet was. Safe to say, everyone hated both sides of the current conflict and felt sorry for me. We voted and called the city Harvest, in remembrance of those that have fallen there.

We built a city wall large enough to hold 800,000 people for the future, it right now it holds around 50,000. The military base holds 50,000 people, all military. We also built a few docks to hold the 5 ships we have, plus a couple more so we can build more.

 We also built a few docks to hold the 5 ships we have, plus a couple more so we can build more

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(Harvest city)

Thankfully we not only have supplies from the ships but also from remnant. Of course our scientists have to make gunpowder for our ammo. We have farmers producing food, construction workers working, and people doing other jobs. We also found some components to a few A.I.s and have them help with transportation and some logistics.

As I sat behind my desk with my magnum on it with the paperwork I have to do since I am the so called president of the colony, while being the admiral doesn't help in that regard. But Trevor deals with the ground forces. Speaking of our army I see that we have 50 out of the 100 scorpion tanks ready and 20 out of the 40 grizzly tanks ready. We have 75 longswords and 225 sabers for our air fighting capabilities. We also have 40 falcons and 60 pelicans. We have 2 elephant Mobile cam and centers good to go with 200 warthogs and 75 mongoose bikes.

 We have 2 elephant Mobile cam and centers good to go with 200 warthogs and 75 mongoose bikes

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"Sir!" A private rushes into my office aboard the cruiser Wisconsin. "Scouts reported seeing a forerunner structure 5 klicks north of here."

"Have the scouts entered it?" I asked.

"No sir they are awaiting reinforcements." The private said.

"Alright send Trevor with a squad of ODST's. I'll follow 10 minutes behind with a platoon of marines." I said as I got up to get into my gear.

"Yes sir." The private said before leaving. I go to my closet where a special armor awaited me. It was spartan armor but more flexible. The only reason I have it is cause Harsly gave it to me for protecting not only Puma but a major scientific base there.  Because no covenant force destroyed the planet, they made advances in the spartan field.

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