Order in the court!

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Beacon 3rd POV

When Ozpin, Glynda and their students got back RWY and NPR were waiting for them. Ozpin knew this was coming since he didn't tell them why he took Blake with him, Goodwitch and team CFVY on a mission. While they weren't talking as much as they used too, they were still teammates. Plus he told them not to tell anyone what they did. He told them to say it was a tracking mission for a high level Grimm, to which they nodded.

"Blake!" Ruby yelled. She used her semblance to hug Blake. But in doing so knocked them both to the ground.

"Wow Ruby taking advantage of an exhausted Blake." Yang teased.

"Enough of your indecency." Weiss said smacking Yang's arm.

"Students please head back to your rooms. I must report my findings to the other academies." Ozpin sighed. They all said their goodbyes before returning to their rooms. Ozpin and Glynda walked to his tower and took the elevator up. When he got to his desk as he put the player the recording Jaune gave him.

When the recording ended, Ozpin and Glynda were shocked by what they saw and heard. They both knew that the SDC hated faunus but not to the extent of destroying an entire village with a new dust mine that they didn't own. It also sounded like Ironwood didn't know about it, only that it was a white fang base. It also said that the Atlas soldiers will stay prisoners until Atlas gets it stuff together.

"Ozpin What should we do?" Glynda asked.

"To be honest, I haven't the faintest idea." Ozpin said.

"What about teams NPR and RWBY?" Glynda asked.

"We make sure they don't cause anymore trouble." Ozpin said. "We also cannot tell anyone about Jaune and the UNSC. I fear that people would try to do anything to gain their power."

"I agree with that. I'm more worried about what James would do since his soldiers were killed by them." Glynda said. I

"If needed we will show him this recording." Ozpin said.

"Well with his soldiers taken prisoner I doubt he will see reason." Glynda said.

"Well let's keep up appearances with the students. Please bring up teams RWBY and NPR." Ozpin said as Glynda nodded.

With Blake

"Come on Blake tell us why you went on that mission without us." Yang said.

"Like I said before they only took me to be a scout since Ozpin said I'm the best in the school. It was a class A deathstalker with some boartusks." Blake replied. This has been going on since she got back to their dorm room.

"Please Blake they could get someone else to do it." Weiss said with her hands on her hips. She wanted to know the truth and made it seem like Blake was lying again.

"It's true." Blake replied with heat. "It was just a grimm mission."

"Why not take anyone a year above us or the rest of your of our team?" Ren asked.

"I don't know." Blake stressed. Before they could question her anymore an announcement came on.

"May teams RWBY and NPR come the headmasters office. May teams RWBY and NPR come to the headmasters office."

"Well let's go see what the headmaster wants." Ruby said as they all left. When they got up there Ozpin and Goodwitch were waiting. "You wanted to see us headmaster?"

"Yes I did. I was just going to give you all a heads up about our discussion about Mr. Jaune." Ozpin said.

"Did they find him?!" Pyrrha asked.

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