I think about it. Maybe it is wrong of me to love Hans, but love doesn’t give you any option, right? It chooses for you. I just nod and sit down. I hate myself right now. I hear Kristoff walk off, noticing I want to be alone. I sit on the bench under a painting of me during coronation. My face is held up high, but fear swims in my eyes, I can see it. It was never right of me to fall for Hans, but I didn’t have a choice. Anna has to know it wasn’t my intention to fall for Hans, it just happened. I got into the sitting room, where the book is still lying on the table. I flip through the pages.

“It doesn’t make any sense. Why would they use her against him? Their own sister. I don’t understand how they could just, kill her.” I whisper to myself.

I stand up and leave the book on the table. I walk through the long hallway, and out the grand French doors that open up to our castle. I walk over the bridge and order the guards to open up the gate. I walk under the gate before stopping. I create a hole in the dome and pass through, closing it after. I walk through Arendelle, passing through the village and going up towards the North Mountain. I just need to clear my head, and going on a walk is the best way to do that for me.

I swirl snow around and watch it flurry to the ground. I lean against a tree and do this for near ten minutes. The snow rises and falls as if it were breathing. I sigh and close my eyes.

My eyes open five minutes later to the sound of crying. I stop leaning on the tree and follow the cries.

“Help!” I hear a childlike voice cry.

I step out from behind a tree and spot a little girl kneeling over a body in the snow. She gasps and looks at me in fear as I step closer towards her.

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” I whisper soothingly. “What happened?” I ask her calmly, kneeling down in the snow next to her.

“My brother, they killed him.” She whimpers, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Who did?” I wonder.

“I don’t know.” She pauses to snivel. “They were tall, and strong. They looked at him and glared. Then they shot him with a bow.” She cries, more tears falling down her pale cheeks.

“What’s your name?” I question quietly.

“Emma…” She murmurs, trying to cry anymore in front of me.

“I’m Elsa.” I introduce kindly. “Where’s your mother and father?” I add.

“They left my brother and me when I was just a baby.” She replies sadly.

“Do you have anywhere to go?”

She shakes her head no, looking down.

“Well, I suppose you’ll just have to come with me.” I smile sincerely.

“Really? You’d let me stay with you?” She asks.

“Of course. You definitely can’t stay out here in the snow.” I reply with a small laugh.

“Thank you so much Elsa.” She tells me gratefully, moving towards me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

I put my arms around her too. I like this little girl, a lot. I feel like I have to protect her. I take in her long, thin brunette hair that flows straight down her back to above her waist. I look into her amber eyes, they twinkle with life and happiness, but her emotions say otherwise. She pulls away and smiles weakly to me.

I take her hand and we begin to walk.

“Wait!” She exclaims.

She runs to her brother’s body and reaches in his pocket. She pulls out a locket and puts it around her neck. She stands and looks at her brother. She kneels down, slides her fingertips over his eyes gently to lose them, and then plants a kiss on his forehead.

Beware the Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now