"I'm sorry, I promise I'm not laughing at you, Gee. It's just... what the fuck even goes on in your head sometimes?" Frank asked with a small laugh.

"That's just hurtful."

"No- No not in that way, it's just that, well, my parents wouldn't ever think you're stupid- and they certainly wouldn't judge you based on your clothes." Frank said.

Gerard didn't answer, just looked around finally starting to feel a little bit ridiculous and quite frankly a bit dramatic.

"And in the tiny, literally microscopic chance that they would ever judge you like that, it wouldn't fucking change how I feel about you or that I want to be with you." Frank smiled, making Gerard smile back at him.

He wrapped his arms around Gerard's body and held him close, "Just be you, okay? Wear whatever the fuck you want to wear."

Gerard hesitated before nodding softly against Frank's shoulder.

Frank smiled and kissed his head, "Great, now come on, I'll help you finish getting ready so we can go."

Gerard nodded again and pulled back from Frank, turning back to the wardrobe. Frank walked towards it and looked through the messed up clothes, soon pulling out a pair of blue shorts with suspenders attached and a tight white shirt that stopped just above Gerard's belly button. Frank turned around to showcase the outfit to Gerard, looking at him for confirmation.

Gerard smiled and nodded in agreement. He took the clothes out of Frank's hands and laid them on his bed, peeling off the white pyjama shirt he had already been wearing, and the baggy grey sweatpants.

He didn't really bother going into the bathroom again, considering Frank had literally had his hands down his pants before, so there wasn't much he wanted to hide from his boyfriend.

Frank did however turn the other way regardless, probably unsure as to what Gerard felt comfortable with. Gerard smiled at that, even without trying Frank could make his heart soar.

Once Gerard had successfully gotten into his attire, and clipped the suspenders securely, he told Frank to turn back around.

Frank grinned immediately at the sight of him.

"God, how're you even real?"

Gerard blushed and rolled his eyes, "Let's just finish packing you dork."

- -

Gerard and Frank had been driving for around an hour, and still had an hour left to drive.

Gerard was sat in Frank's car, specifically criss-cross applesauce in the passenger seat, holding a bag of candy as him and Frank played memory games and just talked.

"So, d'you have any siblings?" Gerard asked as he put a gummy bear in Frank's mouth, seeing as Frank's eyes and hands were busy operating the vehicle.

Frank smiled and chewed the candy before shaking his head, "Nah, but I was quite close with my cousin Eddie. I'm sure he'll be there, actually most my cousins and aunts are gonna be there."

Gerard took a second to process the news, "Wait, Frank- how many people are gonna be there?"

"Uh, like most of my relatives and family friends.." Frank said with a raised eyebrow.

Gerard's eyes went wide.

Oh God.

Oh fuck.

Gerard couldn't breath- his windpipe was being glued shut as he stared off at the road they were driving on. God, he couldn't believe this.

He had maybe thought Frank's typical Thanksgiving would consist of his parents and a few relatives- not the entire family. He supposed he wasn't expecting it since his own parents were divorced, and he usually only spent Thanksgiving with his mother and brother, but now that he thought about it this Thanksgiving would be like any other typical Thanksgiving to anyone else.

Frank's worried face pulled him out of his thoughts, "You okay?"

Gerard's tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he swallowed down his surprise, nodding.

"Are you sure?" Frank asked, wanting to confirm.

"Ye-Yeah," Gerard finally managed, "just mentally preparing myself for this."

Frank let out a laugh, "Gee, it's Thanksgiving. Not an exam."

"I know." Gerard answered stubbornly, "I'm just, scared I'll do something stupid— or they won't like me."

Frank sighed, moving one hand from the steering wheel to Gerard's bare thigh.

"Baby, we've been over this. Everyone will love you- and if not... then we can just hide the turkey." Frank decided.

Gerard giggled in an airy way, placing his hand on Franks, intertwining their fingers.

"I love you." He said shyly, still not the most used to saying it yet.

Frank's grin turned impossibly wide, "I love you too, baby. Even more than I love your cute butt in overalls."

Gerard made a small incoherent noise in embarrassment as he looked off out of his window, placing a gummy in his mouth.

Maybe everything would be just fine, as long as he had Frank there with him.

Well, Gerard was hoping.

☾ ☾ ☾

this was kinda bad lmao, more of a filler for the next chapter

also just wanted to publicly state that astro-twink is amazing and deserves lots and lots of love <3

till next time fellas :)

Candy Hearts ✰ Frerardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें