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!TW! (Suicidal,SH,ED,SA etc)

Kirishima was sitting next to Bakugou trying to build up the courage to vent and let it all out..

"I-i.. Okay.."

Kirishima's rant:

Ever since I was a kid.. my dad was gone.. usually at work but he'd only come back every few months.. and all he'd do when he was home was yell and scream.. I had to deal with him being drunk and angry.. chasing me around the house.. smashing plates.. breaking stuff.. hitting me.. dragging me around.. my mother would try and stop him sometimes.. but she's scared of him too.. or she'd be just as bad.. she'd scream.. tell me I'm useless... starve me.. neglect me.. drag me around by my hair.. ever since I was little they'd force drugs and alcohol on me.. I had to deal with my rapist cousin.. my psycho uncle.. for my whole life I've never had anyone stay.. their all gone..  left or died.. and it's always been my fault.. I cut to make myself feel like I'm human.. I have no reason to feel so different... I throw up because I'm not good enough unless I'm skinny and easy.. I sexualise myself to make myself feel better.. I let people use me.. fuck me.. abuse me.. because I deserve it. Its my self harm.. I ruin everything.. I can't last more then a week without cutting.. I hate myself..  I don't wanna die but I do.. I'm never enough.. I can't sleep unless someone's laying next to me.. I will have night terrors.. wake up screaming..  I punch myself because i feel like my hearts not beating.. but it is.. it's beating so fast I can't notice.. I just wanna stab myself over and over in the chest..  I never do anything right.. i can't breathe i can't do anything.. I don know how much i can take this..

Bakugou -

"Omg your fucked.. you really are a freak?!"

Kirishima shocked and tears flooding his eyes


"What? Did you really think I cared? Hahahahaha you really are pathetic"

As a billion thoughts run through Kirishimas mind tears flooding down his cheeks.. gripping his chest.

Kirishima -

my head my stomach everything is aching.. I'm shaking and my heart is racing.. my head is getting fuzzy.. I feel like I'm gonna throw stomach is in so much pain.. my chest without Bakugou..  just the thought of never seeing him..makes my stomach ache.. my head and body and just everything is literally surviving on the pure existence of him.... he's literally the only person I ever genuinely wanted to hug me.. I'm not scared of his touch..  i don't feel like I'm gonna die when we touch.. whenever i hug literally anyone i feel like my stomach is ripping apart.. hes so important to me because I've never in my whole life felt genuinely comfortable with.. not even mina.. no one.. he makes me wanna live.. he's the only one who literally makes me forget how much I hate myself.. or how much shit I've been through.. and now I fucked up I put all that pressure on him... no no no I ruined everything.. I feel like ima throw up my guts... Everything is overwhelming me.. I fucked up.. its all my fault.. and I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I gave you all that responsibility I'm sorry I'm pressuring you.. I'm sorry I things you aren't comfortable with.. I'm sorry I made you feel like shit..I'm sorry for relapsing I'm sorry I can't leave you alone I'm sorry I'm so relying on you.. I'm sorry I can't help.. im sorry that I make everything harder for you.. I'm sorry for being do fucked up.... I'm sorry.. I'm just so sorry..


Kirishima then jumps up hyperventilating balling his eyes out..
The blonde quickly sits up.

"Hey hey hey shh shh shh what's wrong love? Heyy shhhh I'm right here" the blonde reassured as they sat on the red heads lap.

Kirishima then clings onto the blonde crying into the others chest.

"I'm sorry I'm so fucked up.. I'm sorry I ruin everything.. please dont leave.. I know im pathetic.. im sorry please.. I can't lose you.. please.. im so sorry im sorry" The red head rambles

The blonde softly rubbed the others back.. in reassurance

"I'm not leaving dummy.. your to important.. your not pathetic.. your perfect.. what you see as imperfections are perfect to me.. your history doesn't change my feelings for you. Your always gonna be my shark. Okay.. I'm not leaving.. ever" the blonde stated..

Kirishima looked up slightly tears still rolling down his tear stained face. The blonde softly wiped his tears and kissed his forehead.

"I love you stupid.." the blonde said..

Kiri then smiled softly as he pulled the other in closer"i love you too.."

850 Words

This was more of a rant from me.. Im okay.. I just update/write whenever i feel really depressed and yk^^" so. Anyway I'm here if you ever wanna talk. bye bye

KiriBaku - Save Me, But Love MeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα