Nothing is important as you, not my life or time itself.

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Everything is same. The sun slowly rises up to its rightful place and shines upon a little campsite in the forest. The campsite was small compare to the fire beside it. The fire was put out for a while now as the smoke rises up to dance with the sunlight creating a beautiful scene of lonely. A young black cat woke up as he was embraces by the warm sunlight and surrounds by the cold smoke. He yawns as he got up, careful as to not breathes in the smoke around him and starting to do his stretches. This is his usual morning routine. He looks around his surroundings. The birds were singing a sweet medley only for the sun to hears. The flowers rising up, trying their best to reach for the sun’s throne. The trees trying their best to keep up with the wind in a light dance. “Everything is same.” He said as he starts walking away from the campsite. It doesn’t matter if he leaves it there, he knows that he will return again.

Despite the sun already being up, the forest is still sleeping in the cover of the darkness. The young hero continues his walk, not affected by this feeling of fear that someone would normally feel if they would walk by themselves in the forest, but the young hero doesn't feel this feeling anymore. After walking down the same path countless time by now, he doesn’t remember when was the last time that he felt fear. As he continues his walk in the sleeping forest, he can see the shadow of the trees laughing, and pointing at him for his failure, he didn’t care. He just continues his path out of the dark infested forest.

Everything is same. A little house sitting on a hill, viewing a great ruby heart surrounding by a little village. After a while of peaceful silent, the forest starting to shakes and give birth to a young black cat wearing red all over him, and holding a katana tie around his stomach. The young hero has saw the same scenery many times at this point. He walk toward the house. “I find it again.” He said as he reaches the stairs. He opens the door and felt a familiar warm feeling in his chest again, but he can’t remember why he feels this way.

The house is empty of any life, but at the same time it feels welcoming and warm to him. The living room have a couch facing a flat T.V set up with a gaming console. The kitchen is clean with the refrigerator still running, and the table full of food. The hero just continues his walk around, trying to find a picture this time to see who lives have. None of the room that he has check has any picture or other things that can help him. The hero stands there and think, “What other room I haven’t check yet?” he said as he looks around. The house is small from the outside, or at least to him, but in the inside, its big like a maze. A maze that hold the answer that he is looking for. His eyes finally land on a door at the end of the hallway, just pass through the kitchen that he failed to notices at first. “How did I miss that?”. The hero said. He knows that he hadn’t check the whole house yet, but he visits the house so many times at this point that he memorizes the sound of the refrigerator running, the smell of the food on the table, and even the layout of the house. He walks toward the door, passing through the only part of the house that have a little life still in it, that being the kitchen. He can’t help but to feel sad as he passes through the kitchen.  He reaches for the unknown door’s handle, and notices that the door was not lock to his surprise. He opens the door that lends to a world long forgotten to time and to him.

The room itself was a bedroom with a triple bed bunk beside the wall and bookshelves around the room. The room is completed dark but he can see his surroundings. He enters the room, and the feeling that he feels in his chest is starting to hurt him. He walks toward the bed bunks and saw that the bottom bunk has a stuff cat. The stuff animal has yellow buttons eyes, and seem to be homemade. He picks it up and as he ran his fingers through it, he notices that its chest is moist. He put the toy back and climb to the middle bed bunk and find a painting on the bed. He climbs into the bed and grab the painting. The painting was crude draw like if a kid did it. The painting shows a black cat being hug by a badger, twice his size, and on top of the badger’s head is a small blue bat sitting on him. He notices that all the people in the painting doesn’t have clothes on, beside the lack of clothes, there was no background in the painting. The painting has no signature and seem to not be done yet.

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