Chapter Thirteen

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Lazy days were always the best days. Lots of snow meant hours upon hours of cuddle time with Zenfred. Lacey was sitting on a bench located on her rooftop. It was a little bit of paradise, with potted plants and archways that were covered in star-shaped lights.

They twinkled softly as the sun set. Lacey knelt and ruffled Zenfred's ears. "We should go inside soon."

She was halfway back to her apartment when her phone rang. "Lacey Grace, may I help you?"

"Hello Lacey, it's Melissa. I'm sorry to bother you so late."

"It isn't that late at all," replied Lacey. She nearly dropped her phone when her injection alarm went off. "O-oh! Sorry about that, it's my feed Zen alarm! It's fine though, I have time to talk."

Melissa was emotionally drained. There was a hissing wind in the background and static from her walking around. "My friend, Albert..." She fell silent for a moment, then held the phone away from her mouth so she could curse. "For your own safety, you shouldn't know the details but I don't know who else I can ask."

Albert? Fenton's roommate? Lacey hadn't met him yet, but Fenton was always saying lovely things about him. "Is Albert alright?" She asked.

"We don't think he is. The police are looking into it." Melissa let out a long sigh as she struggled to keep her composure. "I need to drop off a bag of Albert's notebooks at your house. Not forever, just until I know that the police won't be searching my apartment. If anyone asks, just say that I guilted you into taking them, but don't look inside."

Lacey pursed her lips. Common sense told her to refuse, but curiosity was telling her yes. "Alright. I can hide that for you."

"Thank you. Rafi has to run an errand but he'll drop it off along the way. I think he'll be there in about an hour."

Melissa hung up quickly, leaving Lacey feeling puzzled. What sort of trouble were they capable of getting into? Though her parents always told her not to bother, Lacey loved the mystery novels that had been smuggled into Springs. The worlds in books were so full of malice, but she loved the adventures in them.

And that's what settled it. She was definitely going to look at whatever Rafi brought her. Every detail was going to be documented and memorized. These people were her friends, and it wouldn't do well if she didn't help out in their investigation.

It wasn't even an hour before Rafi arrived. Even though they had only met the one time, he didn't hesitate to give Lacey a great big hug. His jacket felt cold from the melting snow, but Lacey wasn't someone who was going to deny someone a hug.

And then she immediately had to go to her loveseat and sit down, because her medication had made her nauseous again. Rafi took the gym bag off his shoulder and set it down by the door. He looked around but reminded idling where he was.

"Are you feeling okay?" He thought it was weird how she had immediately retreated after the hug. "... Uh, sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Lacey rested a set of fingers against her temple. "It's actually my fault... I usually go to sleep early. It's a little past my bedtime."

Rafi did a little bow. "I'll head out quickly." He pointed at the bag. "Don't look inside of it."

"I know, I know." She reached out her hand, and Zenfred nudged her fingers. "I should be the one asking if Albert is okay."

Rafi was about to reach for the door, but he paused. "... I don't think so, no," he finally said. "He disappeared last night and none of us know where he went. We're having trouble contacting his partner, so..." His voice drifted off as he struggled to think of something to say. "We called the police. They'll handle it."

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